"Fairy, where are you taking my child? That’s my hope to strengthen the country. I’m afraid I can’t be taken away by you. "
"If the court knows, can I still live?"
Ji Xiang single-handedly pressed the blood of the child’s head. "You have already violated the rules of heaven and earth. This kind of creation should not appear in the world. It is because the sky always gives the world a chance. If you are driven to kill people or fall into Song Ting’s lackeys, you will eventually turn evil things into evil things. When it rains, blood and ghosts cry at night, and the bones are violently in the wild, your national luck will not last long."
"Song Ting just wants you to resurrect North Korea. Don’t be blinded by temporary interests."
Korean king looked crazy and burst out laughing.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-nine The true God of the Five Mountains
Then look distorted, the whole person’s temperament changed greatly, and the tone became triple.
"I knew that the DPRK would never sit and watch the rise of China. That son of a bitch wants to make up for the decline of your country’s national fortune next to China’s national fortune. Is it a good thing for you to be in the dark and not active in the west? I’m trying to drive the wolf. Can I not know?"
"Reverse the rules of heaven and earth? I don’t understand these things. I know that without these children, my country would be your puppet now. "
"I can also betray my own country and betray this country as a bargaining chip in order to gain comparable strength from my willingness to help me! If I want these bloody fetuses to be returned to the Korean people, the people will never die! "
"Even if they die, they can be reborn! You want to take him away because you are afraid of this power! The heavenly people are not the original people, and the heavenly king is not the original king. What do you say about the thunder and thunder as a warning? If this thing fails, wouldn’t it be your wish to let my whole country perish together? "
"I’m really a coward, but even a coward is forced to worry! I want to be a monarch who is not controlled by others! What’s wrong with me I don’t want to die, I don’t want to be abolished, I don’t want to be your puppet, I am a vassal, but does your country really deserve’ state’? "
"Heaven and earth don’t agree with what is heaven and earth? When our country was invaded, I didn’t see it thundering and killing the Japanese pirates. Now I want to revive my country, but it wants you to obstruct it. In this case, it seems that my head of North Korea is as loser as this country! "
"It’s too timid for me to do great things!"
"Heaven rules? Why does it make rules, rules of heaven and earth, and why does it let you say who you are? "
"Fairy fairy! You are a fairy after all! Fairy is not a day! "
Korean king body suddenly rises five huge shadows!
The mortal flesh can’t bear this kind of power and soon collapses into a rotten meat. Instead, it is the unbridled laughter from the five dark shadows!
Ji Xiang hesitated for a moment, listening to his crazy words, but it was also touched.
Quite sigh with emotion tone said
"It’s also that you are a king after all if you are timid again."
Although it was the black gas that influenced his mind that led him to become such a crazy state, these words must be the most true words in his heart.
"But you are wrong about one thing."
"I am not a fairy!"
The huge magic gas rolled up in her eyes, and the laughter from the five horrible shadows of the magic cloud suddenly stopped and was replaced by qi qi and reprimanded.
"If you don’t respect heaven and earth, you will be unfaithful to the king, bully God, reason and die, and then you will fall into hell forever. Hungry ghosts will sink, slaughter branches, boil soup, collapse ice and suffer. You must rob the rear, and the animals will still be killed. All kinds of karma have expired!"
The five humanoid shadows have also been distorted and changed into non-qualitative and strange language to describe the five vast legal circles that followed, and the five sides have been sealed by the appearance!
Ji Xiang’s desire for magic gas suddenly made her realize that something was wrong. She immediately grabbed the blood child and flew away. For a moment, the land of North Korea seemed to come alive, and all the spirits in the mountains and rivers went into evil. Seeing that it was difficult to see Shan Ye elves on weekdays, they were awakened. Everyone was flushed with thick black gas and their forms gradually turned into shadows. Like thousands of ghosts, they gave off bursts of Yin Xiao!
"Heaven and earth are salty and flat!"
Five dark shadows are twisted and changing at the same time, and five black hands cover the sun. In an instant, all the mountains and rivers in North Korea are turned into black waves, and black gas runs through the sky. The whole Shan Ye in central North Korea is violently shaken!
The earthquake broke out in several cities, and the plebeians and the defenders of the cities, whether it was the North Korean military forces or the Korean military forces, or the immortals who were trying to run away from Changbai Mountain, all sensed the dramatic changes in heaven and earth at this time.
This earthquake is not born but human!
Someone has shaken the whole north Korean mountains and rivers by himself and rolled Gankun by this means!
Master Huang, who was horrified by the family-protecting immortals in Changbai Mountain, was even unlucky. After they claimed to be the masters of ghosts and gods in black, they had already applied to the North Korean government for going back to the mountain. It was also a pleasure to apply for the other party. I didn’t expect that it was only one day before this North Korea seemed to have something big.
I didn’t see that this land was still so crouching tiger, hidden dragon during the first world war.
Master Huang took people to evacuate in a panic and didn’t dare to stop for a moment, but the mountains and rivers surged violently in the mountains and rivers, and the black waves changed and spread in all directions!
Ji Xiang flies with his feet on seven colors of clouds and looks at the five black hands hiding the sun.
"Who are you? When did the underworld have your strength? Is it the immortal of Lishan River? "
"In the mountains and rivers? Ha, ha, ha. Those guys can’t rely on me to wait for five people. It’s just that the God of Heaven intercepted five Song Zu’s efforts to create gods. How can people have their names in the years? Times have changed, and the dynasty has changed. Does no one here know us? "
"Don’t talk nonsense, but this immortal didn’t know me in the Han Dynasty. It is natural for these Song gods to be normal."
Ji Xiang "Buddha? Is it with the Buddha? "
"Come and Buddha? He’s not enough! Although he also holds the name of the Buddha, just as there are so many Buddha in Taoist classics, is each one comparable to Yuan Buddha? "
"There is one yuan in the world and there will always be one in the highest Buddha in the underworld!"
One of the five black hands reveals himself, and the dark shadow of the world disappears for a short time, revealing its humanistic stone carvings!
"Mount Tai is closed to Zen, but even the power of Mount Tai can’t be recognized!"
That humanistic stone carving is impressively written as "the inscription of two saints’ merits and virtues of climbing Mount Tai and thanking Heaven"!
"Dongyue Jun is here!"
The true appearance of the black hand is like a huge mountain peak with five fingers, and as it reveals these words, it follows the distortion of the words, "Dongyue Taishan"!
The remaining four black hands have also revealed their true appearance!
Korean king stared at Ji Xiang intensely. "When Jingling Temple was in the temple, the Buddha said that maybe the wall had ears. At that time, he had already noticed that someone was peeking, so he set up an enchantment. At that time, I thought that if this North Korean country could have anyone who dared and had the ability to peek at the Buddha, there would be you as a fairy."
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