Yan Lie shakes his head like a rattle. No!
The colonel’s ability to punish God Xiaojian is clear to him.
Although this is the power cast by Wen Shao, it will definitely be worse than the head of the regiment, but it will definitely hurt to get such a sword.
Only fools will suffer!
After asking for a circle, no one is willing to give Wen Shao a sword test. Wen Shao is anxious to wake up. Qu Qingshan is closest to Lao Qu.
"How about Lao Qu trying my sword for me?"
Qu Qingshan hesitated. I’m so busy. I’ve been risking my life for several times. I almost drank urine with my brother when I was in a shortage.
"Yes, you have to teach me! Colonel also taught me, but I haven’t learned "the earliest education of this small sword of God to make a retreat is light snow and Quqingshan’s direct spirit delivery method."
But learning is too difficult.
Never learned.
At this time, Wen Shao learned that Quqingshan naturally had some enchantments.
The strength of this small sword will definitely soar if you learn it.
Can directly hit the enemy’s mental and physical abilities. Who doesn’t want to learn?
"Well, you take precautions and don’t let me hurt you," Wen Shao said.
"Well, I’m going to prepare one." Just after Qu Qingshan said, he asked again, "Wait a minute. Let me ask you first, how much spirit have you made of this little sword?"
"This ….." Wen Shao paused for a "not very skilled for thirty percent of the spirit to be familiar with the later stage of success …"
QuQingShan directly motioning with his hand refused to "thirty percent do you want to kill me! The head of the team is usually half-spiritual, and it is very scary.
I won’t give you a sword test. I dare not! "
"Either I am thirty percent spirit can’t compare with the head half …"
Wen Shao also tried to persuade Qu Qingshan to shake his head as firmly as a rattle.
Mental injury can be different from physical injury, and recovery is very slow.
I dare not be careless at this time.
"I’ll give you a sword test when you practice 15% spirit again."
Wen Shao is impatient.
If this sword is scattered, there is no specific understanding. When will it be condensed?
"Let me try the sword."
Just when Wen Shao was in a hurry, he woke up and was closing his eyes to practice Cai Shaochu’s abrupt mouth and said
"Principal" Wen Shao was overjoyed.
Thirty seconds later, this handle consumed 30% of Wen Shao’s spirit, and the small sword of God instantly blocked Cai Shaochu’s forehead.
Cai Shaochu’s body slightly shook with pain, but Wen Shao looked forward to watching Cai Shaochu waiting for Cai Shaochu’s feedback comments.
After three seconds, Cai Shaochu slowly nodded with his eyes open. "Good.
This sword of yours has been able to defeat God’s sword by 70%, and it has been able to hurt my mental body and cause some vibration, but it is very limited.
It can also cause heavy damage to the general nine-guard star mental body, and it is fatal to the nine-guard mental body without physical protection
A little faster consumption will have great tactical value! "
Wen Shao laughed and thanked Cai Shaochu for throwing a proud look at Qu Qingshan and continuing to understand.
But just close your eyes and prepare to realize his horse, and then open your eyes again. Three minutes later, a personal cultivation experience and summary was privately sent to Miao Huanshan Lizhen Quqingshan and others.
This is a requirement shared by the small group department.
Some people continue to practice, while others participate in Yan Lie’s picnic barbecue. Occasionally, some people take a look at the direction in which the head of the team in the corner Xu retreats from sleep.
Three days.
Colonel Xu tui has been sleeping for three days and hasn’t woken up yet.
Of course, they are not worried that the head of the delegation will not be able to wake up.
But marvel at the powerful spirit of the colonel Xu tui.
The stronger the spirit, the longer it will take to restore it through sleep.
Most of the strong stars will keep their spirit to a certain extent and will not consume light. It’s really quite time to recover completely.
Wen Shao, for example, if his spirit drops to ten percent now, he will have to sleep for at least twenty-four to thirty hours if he wants to recover completely.
And most people, including Cai Shaochu, can recover their spirit after sleeping for a day and a half, that is, about 36 hours.
But Xu tui, the head of the regiment, has been sleeping for more than seventy-two hours, and has not woken up for nearly seventy-five hours now.
Not waking up means that the spirit has not yet recovered!
This says that the head of the delegation Xu tui’s spirit is twice and even three times that of most people.
Erila spirit is strong enough?
32 hours also recovered.
Ulla also silently contemplating another reason for being unwilling and unintelligent.
His former spirit also consumed less than 10%. After sleeping for 33 hours, he recovered slightly more than Erila and four hours less than Cai Shaochu. He felt good at that time.
But it’s better to retreat with the head of the delegation now than to be timid in the future.
Have to continue to beg
Maybe it’s only when I get the baby there again that I can surpass the head of the delegation and make a retreat.
Wen Shao stayed for a while and first looked at Yan Lie. "Yan Lie, why don’t you pick me up and try my sword?"
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