Three figures appeared strangely from the raindrops.
A green robe, a purple robe and a black robe.
I can’t see clearly. After three figures appear, it seems that I am in the painting. Seven quicksands have gathered in succession and respectfully waited behind three figures in wide robes.
The dragon star frowned slightly. "Leader of Sandu!"
In the jungle of Puhoushan Mountain, three figures are in tandem, jumping in heavy rain and sweeping steep cliffs like spiritual apes.
The situation in Fuchiyama Academy is like Luo Changfeng, who left the carriage a few miles away, and then he was swept away with his posture. Instead of taking the main entrance of the academy to climb the mountain, they avoided the eyes and ears and went around to climb the steep cliffs in the back of the hill. It is very difficult for ordinary practitioners to climb the steep hills. Luo Changfeng and Yi Hong have both reached the realm of the Yuan God and practiced the word doorway. Although they can’t leap directly like the strong people in the spiritual world, it is not a problem to find several places to climb the back of this steep courtyard.
After the debris, flowers and plants were messy, the mountain road was full of wind and rain, and he was more anxious than throwing Ying Tian out of the distance, but he became more and more timid as he got closer and closer to the hospital.
Because what I saw along the way, the back hill is no longer familiar in my memory … Because he smelled a more and more bloody in this miserable rainstorm.
A muffled thunder rolled and a light flashed.
Luo Changfeng has long been wet by the rain, and his figure suddenly falls from the sky.
He jumped into the yard with a big splash on his feet.
Luo Changfeng still fell on his knees when he landed. It was like a punishment for the heavy rain to hit him hard on the back.
After a long time, he finally raised his head timidly and slowly on one knee.
Another thunderbolt sounded like Luo Changfeng suddenly saw the tragic scene when Luo family was killed in Luohe County four years ago!
Broken walls!
Bones are like mountains!
Rivers of blood!
Thick smoke!
His mind and heart were hit hard by the moment, and he was stupid.
He saw the bodhi tree broken.
He saw the Tibetan building burn down.
He saw the six-character gate fall down.
He saw the mirror stand collapse.
He saw the secluded path pavilion buried by the rocks.
He saw that the peach blossom forest had withered and the branches had broken.
He can’t see the end because he sees the end as a ruin!
Qi and blood suddenly surged up to the heart and stung Luo Changfeng’s knife-shaped eyebrows, showing ferocious pain. The corners of the mouth suddenly overflowed with blood from the heart, bright red blood!
In the heavy rain, Luo Changfeng ran like crazy in the ruins.
He ran out but ten meters away when he tripped over the body of his classmate in the hospital and fell to the ground violently.
He hit his head on gravel and his forehead was bleeding.
He looked up and saw the eyes of a classmate who died unsatisfied.
He sat back in fear.
He looks flustered and his eyes wander like a madman.
He kept repeating "No, impossible … impossible …"
He struggled to get up from the ground.
He ran wildly, and he fell down again.
He doesn’t know how many times he fell, and every time he got up from the ground, he would get another blood stain.
From the outer court to the hospital, he doesn’t have much strength to run like crazy, and he stumbles like a drunk.
He walked all the way and overturned the ruins.
He saw the bodies of Yan Xi, an old walker in the courtyard, with a huge stone.
He knelt down.
"Ha ha ha ha …"
Beans, big raindrops drop into the puddle and make a slight ripple, so three fuzzy shadows are shaken in the ripple.
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