However, that’s all. Although the wolf statue showed pain, it easily resisted this wave of attacks. With the help of strong momentum, the sharp claws continued to crash into the borer mountains.
Gravel flying wolf statue this time, the outermost peak of the borer mountain was immediately thrown down and flying at any time.
Violet saint attack has followed.
Gorgeous lotus attack power is equally amazing.
There are more and more inscriptions around the collapse of a mountain peak in the borer mountain range, both in the sky and on the ground, as if they were exhausted
These inscriptions are all printed towards the wolf statue and the violet saint one after another.
The borers seem to have great fear of these inscriptions. Although they are eager to try, no one dares to really rush.
Wolf statue eyes latosolic red roar in a wave of his paws forward.
Hum long-
The great force of heaven and earth was mobilized, and the sticky glow of the sky fell from the sky like a colored horse training and wrapped around these inscriptions
Boom, boom, boom!
Each of these inscriptions is printed in color like a bubble exploding and leaving a small hole.
But the surrounding glow will soon make up for this small hole.
The wolf statue controls the horse training all over the sky as if it were exhausted with those inscriptions.
At first, those inscriptions were all over the sky after they broke out, but soon the amount of consumption became less and less as a child.
Chapter six hundred and sixty-four Break the seal
Squeak, squeak!
In the borer mountains, the insects are all excited, screaming, and harsh waves diffuse at close range. Even if Wolf Zun and Violet Saint are strong, they feel a little annoyed.
Bang, bang!
In addition to screaming, there is also the sound of wings vibrating all over the sky, and the insects are all extremely excited and whirling.
Worms on the ground are also crawling along the bare mountains at a very fast speed.
Both flying insects and reptiles have the impulse to rush out, but with one exception, they have just approached the borer mountains, and all the inscriptions around them show fear.
Wolf statue and violet saint can sense this kind of fear.
"I really don’t know what means barbarian king used to make these bugs fear to this point. Fear has been lingering in memory for hundreds of millions of years." The wolf statue looked at a cold hum
"Maybe it’s not necessarily a memory, but the life span of these insects is extremely long. If they are not eliminated, they have never heard of which insect died after Shou Yuan ran out. It is also possible that they lived from ancient times to the present." Violet Saint came coldly.
"Well, good! There is such a possibility! And without the female worms, their reproduction speed has been reduced to a very low level. Now there are so many worms in the borer mountains that it is more likely that they have lived from ancient times to the present. "The wolf also nodded.
There used to be borers in the celestial world and the fix-true world, but the number of former borers was small, and their reproduction form was simple, that is, division.
Borers have a good fighting capacity from the moment they are born, and then they continue to grow. When their strength reaches a certain level, they stop growing and accumulate energy to split their bodies.
This is the breeding way of borers-splitting one into two, and then the two grow synchronously.
Of course, it’s a very long process-a stem borer needs to consume a lot of matter and energy to reach the condition of division
Therefore, the borer has been a very common species in the two worlds for several years.
However, in ancient times, I don’t know what happened, but suddenly a group of female worms were born. These female worms have a terrible reproduction speed and can expel tens of millions of eggs at one time.
The egg spawning ability is also very strong, and the larvae can hatch quickly and have good fighting power …
By the time the people in the two worlds reacted, the borer had formed a scale, which was a great disaster in the celestial world
Later, it was barbarian king’s great magic that killed the moth, and the monks of all ethnic groups went out to clean up the common borers. Most of them were sealed by barbarian king in the borer mountains.
Wolf Zun and violet Saint are both witnesses of this history and know the characteristics of stem borers.
The gods of the two mighty men are very strong, and it is necessary to separate a little knowledge to complete mutual communication, which will not affect the attack on the inscription of the borer mountain.
The two of them attacked and watched the number of inscriptions decrease, and the light shining with inscriptions in the sky became thinner and thinner.
Finally, the thin inscription can no longer restrain some of the larger borers, screaming and revealing their crazy emotions, and rushing outside.
The borers have just rushed out, and those residual, uh, inscriptions are just a violent flash that is directly printed on the borers.
Before this inscription, there was no resistance at all, and it was directly reduced to ashes.
However, the number of stem borers is really too large. This time, the impact sounded like a horn. Generally, all stem borers lost their scruples and screamed and fluttered their wings and slammed outward.
The thin inscription was quickly consumed, and the borers were completely out of bondage and scattered all over the sky in excitement.
It’s like burning a red soldering iron to print fur. The wolf’s body is full of smoke.
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