Xuanxing doesn’t know this divination, but it’s quite special. Only the master of the late Shenjun can see it. At this time, Xuanxingxiu is the early stage of Shenjun, which means that he has already reached the peak state of mind in the late Shenjun!
In this way, Xuanxing entered a deep-seated state in a daze, and after more than ten years, he woke up in a daze. All this came so suddenly that Xuanxing felt as if he had had a dream, and he still couldn’t remember what he had dreamed.
However, Xuanxing was white, and some changes must have taken place. So he carefully examined his physical condition, and gradually Xuanxing’s face showed a smile, because he found that he had improved a lot. At this time, his Yuanying was no longer pure lavender, but mixed with a little purple, which meant that he was about to break through the sixth metaphase of Yuanying!
In addition, Xuanxing found that he knew the soul in the sea, and Yuan Ying’s head became bigger. Naturally, his own knowledge of gods also increased a lot.
Xuanxing got up and put away the piece of magic, and then left the secret room. He didn’t say hello to everyone in advance, and as a result, he was in a fog for a hundred years. It is estimated that Xueting will criticize himself again.
Sure enough, XuanXing was scolded by XueTing after coming out, but XuanXing didn’t complain about it.
On this day, Xuanxing was sitting quietly on a hill enjoying the wonderful two-person world, but a very dissonant sound immediately broke the atmosphere
"Xuanxing" flew to the front of Xuanxing with a little excitement when he saw the oboro gravel. It seems that he didn’t realize his rudeness at all.
"What’s the matter with the oboro?" Xuanxing didn’t good the spirit way this guy is always on the rampage, regardless of his snow D. feelings.
"Xuanxing, I just went outside and sold some artifacts and elixirs in exchange for the crystal capital here." Oboro gravel threw two rings to Xuanxing.
In recent years, Xuanxing has indeed refined a lot of extremely artifact and extremely god Dan, which will be sold outside. Xuanxing took over two rings and roughly looked at about 130 million pieces of crystal in one or two rings. It seems that the value of extremely artifact extremely god Dan is really outrageous.
"I heard an interesting thing outside this time," Oboro continued.
"oh? Let’s hear it. "Xuanxing’s words aroused a little interest. He has been staying on Hulu Planet all these years. This kind of day is a bit monotonous for Xuanxing. After all, he has experienced too many crisis opportunities. This kind of comfortable day is really too dull.
"It is said that there is a very strong baby in the fiend domain. He has a medium-term repair of the Great God, but the ordinary root of the man of God is not his opponent. Even the Great God can’t beat him." Oboro Li lamented that losing the baby of the flesh has almost no strength, but recently the baby of the God has completely broken this record.
"Is there such a thing?" Xuanxing was surprised and asked that when Ji Xian lost his body, his strength was not as good as that of a man of God who had just soared! God-level babies are so miserable, and even worse, a great god baby.
"This news is absolutely accurate. Now the whole celestial world is talking about this matter. It is said that before the fiend domain, several gods and great gods are ready to challenge the baby god. If they lose, they will send the baby god some magic stones or crystal irony. The baby god doesn’t need to pay the price." Obscure told all he knew. He was going to personally visit the powerful baby god in the fiend domain, but considering that before the fiend domain was too chaotic, Obscure also dismissed the idea and directly returned to the gourd planet.
"That’s weird …" Xuanxing said to himself, Yuan Ying, Xian Ying and Shen Ying are all very fragile. Everyone in every world can easily ravage this. They may have a king of gods and Shen Ying is still strong. After all, they have mastered the field.
Although Xuanxing’s strength is extremely strong, if he loses his body, Xuanxing can’t guarantee that he can defeat an ordinary man of God.
Aside from Xue Ting, it’s even more incredible. Can the baby god beat the same level and have a physical god? According to Xue Ting’s knowledge, even the late peak master Shen Ying has the strength of ordinary God man at most. If Oboro Li didn’t lie, the baby in his mouth was not too strong.
"Xuanxing, shall we go to the fiend domain to see?" Oboro gravel tentatively asked him to come back just to ask XuanXing to leave.
"I’ll go, too." At this moment, even Xue Ting couldn’t help it.
"It’s very interesting. Of course I’m going to go. You should inform Zilin that we all go to the horizon together." Xuanxing did not hesitate to agree to come to the celestial world and there was such an abnormal condition that he had to see it …
Chapter 461 Mo Qing
Before the fiend domain, this is a big god domain in the divine world. There are three God kings here, such as the King before the fiend, and the vast majority of the gods here are magic practitioners. The overall divine power of the fiend domain is quite strong, and it is also the most chaotic one in the whole divine world. Although there have been almost no major battles here, it is common to tinker around the edges and it is normal to have some casualties.
Atlas magic star is located in the bustling area of the former fiend domain. On weekdays, almost no immortal cultivator dares to visit here. However, in recent days, many immortal cultivators and demon cultivators have arrived on the planet. However, these immortal cultivators are at least the early days of the Lord God, and there are still many masters of the God level.
Atlas magic star can attract so many masters to come here because of a god baby, a very strong god baby! At this time, the baby is located on the Atlas magic star. The baby is so powerful that many experts have come here to see the truth.
"This guy is really tough." Two masters of Shenjun level looked at Fang in vain. At this time, the abnormal baby was a master of the late Great God.
"Why doesn’t this person restore the physical body? If he has the physical body, his strength will definitely rise several grades." Another divine monarch wondered whether there is a physical body for the practitioner. There is a difference between the two. At this time, the divine baby is a mid-term practitioner of the Great God. If he restores the physical body, he can at least defeat an early master of the God!
"Ha ha, it’s not clear." The original monarch smiled and shook his head. There are too many strange things in the practice world, which can’t be common sense. The two emperors didn’t say anything about watching the interesting struggle intently.
At this time, a baby dressed in blue and less than one meter tall is quietly there. This baby is a young man. Seeing him holding an Excalibur, he looks calmly at a man of God opposite. The other person turned out to be a magic repair!
Xuanxing probed the knowledge of gods into that piece of divination, and he was going to test whether he could understand some things that Xuanxing’s knowledge of gods could see to the first level of the field because of the limitation of the realm, but even so Xuanxing could not understand the things in China. He felt that his head was in a daze in the clouds.
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