The copper coin is a mass of gray-black poison, which is caused by Shi Xiaoxiao’s self-eating poison root. The big fellow directly snatched it from the snake body and inhaled it into his palm.
Extremely poisonous and still raging, but changed the "venue" to corrode the big fellow’s palm bit by bit, but the so-called big fellow smiled "boy" and walked away without looking at the white snake. He was a passer-by.
"Help me?" Suddenly, the big Shekou spit, and the voice was weak and abnormal, but its breath was smooth and there was no chaos.
If it is the pursuit of realm and strength, the "monk and white snake" will die and the big man will not look at him again; But if he takes revenge, it’s different. The big fellow likes this kind of guy. He doesn’t hesitate to drink poison to quench his thirst and kill himself.
No matter who he is, no matter who he wants to take revenge on, it is to watch him take revenge at the expense of destroying his body and soul. If he can help, the big fellow obviously doesn’t have much interest in chatting and doesn’t explain his thoughts. He casually replied "I am willing."
This answer is not a perfunctory fact, so he is willing to … If he is willing to be a natural enemy; He wouldn’t stretch a finger if he didn’t want the immortal to bow down to the pain and beg. This person has always been very sexual.
The white snake said again, "What’s your name?"
The wording is not polite and there is no need to be too polite. The monk wants to know the name of the other person and will always remember it.
When the sound of "unloading armor" came, people had disappeared.
It’s a pity that Su Jing didn’t have to yell "Don’t go, don’t go and talk … Don’t go, Great Devil!"
From Kowloon to Kowloon, two top immortals, the immortal, the immortal, the dragon, the demon king, the big demon king, took off their armor.
The white snake turned into a human figure, and the charming monk took a deep breath and flew away after he got up.
The body eats itself up, but it still needs to rest quietly for a while … after it is completely recovered, he will eat Gankun again. At that time, there will be a new self-eating, which has just dispelled the nightmare and will come back again. Shi Xiaoxiao said that he is not dead yet, and the gambling will never end.
Did he die first, or did Mo djinn enter the universe first?
Shi Xiaoxiao waited for the final result.
Over the years, Shi Xiaoxiao has killed many Gankun. His evil deeds were traced to clues when no one knew about Tu Ye, and Su Qing followed them all the way … I lost them long ago and couldn’t find anyone.
The two boys are not discouraged. If you lose them, just look for them.
When they meet an opportunity suitable for practice, they will go out after practice and then look for the "big white snake". There is no accurate clue. Blind cats will touch the dead and waste so much time. Anyway, they came out for practice and this thing is just "running around and looking around"
Almost when Shi Xiaoxiao was rescued by the Great Demon King, the blonde Tuwan and the red-haired Su Qing stopped running around. They looked at the two small mouths and stared at the distance ahead …
A phoenix tree with a colorful sky crystal;
A whirling vortex with seven colors of true water.
The buttonwood tree is very tall. How tall is it? Tu night is the place where the moon is repaired. He has a care in his heart. Can the moon in the world get this buttonwood and make a leaf?
It is well known that the phoenix phoenix tree is full, but it is not just any phoenix tree that will be full. Only after 30,000 years of pregnancy, 30,000 years of germination, 30,000 years of rooting, 30,000 years of rising, 30,000 years of branches and 30,000 years of loose leaves can the phoenix be invited to be full.
And the 100,000-year-old phoenix tree is the most common thing.
Later, the phoenix tree itself "cultivated" for ten hundred thousand years. After that, the fairy phoenix tree will be transformed from wood into fire and become a real fire phoenix tree in its first life. Followed by the second life of the five elements, and then buried the jade phoenix tree from the fire through the sky; Then make gold and silver sycamore from native gold; Re-spawning and hydrating the sea of clouds and phoenix trees; In the end, aquatic wood returned to nature, and when the five elements were born and turned around in a big cycle, it was considered that the tree really grew and became a colorful crystal phoenix tree.
Every "life" will be doomed by heaven, especially in the end, the fate will be fierce. The ordinary fairy family will understand that the life span of this phoenix tree Shenmu is simply too long to calculate.
The buttonwood has a nest, and there will be a phoenix nest every three or five branches.
It is not difficult to understand that the higher the height, the larger the scale of the phoenix nest, and the higher the position of the phoenix must be.
It is said that "nests" are actually huge and colorful worlds. There are really many flowers, plants, birds, animals, mountains, seas, clouds and tides, but not many people are beautiful, but they don’t seem to have much wisdom. However, it can be seen that these "families" are all happy. They are mortals, but they are immortal in the world.
"Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix Heavenly Palace" Excalibur has always been brave and ruthless, and he stuttered at night. There are not many sacred animals scattered like the sun in the celestial world, and most of them live in groups, such as phoenix and dragon.
In the celestial world, the old nest of the phoenix is also called the Phoenix Palace, but few people know exactly where it is located.
"I heard that Phoenix and Shenlong hate love, and they are on and off … If they catch up with each other on a blind date, Phoenix Palace will be with Longyuan." Red-haired Su Qingyin is also a little dry. "Is that Longyuan?"
As soon as the voice fell, a sneer came, and two baby heads burst into the sky, and three red phoenix appeared. The first phoenix spit people out, "Where is the clown who pokes around like an egg thief!"
Egg thief?
Letting people go is human trafficking, which is a terrible crime.
Generally speaking, sacred animals don’t pay much attention to demons, ghosts, and other immortals. They never welcome the immortals to visit their homes and stray into their territory. If they are severely beaten, they will be killed directly. Obviously, Phoenix Daxian is not in a good mood today.
Two dolls, one is Excalibur’s metempsychosis, and the other is a spiritualist from the top of the mountain. The celestial world has always been a Weifu guy. Although he has a small temper, he is hot. After listening to Hongfeng’s words, Su Qing sank his face. "It’s not an egg. When I am rare?"
Tu night mouth is not as poisonous as Su Qing, but his momentum is more prosperous. Zhou Daodao’s sword has already circulated. "Do you want to fight? Bring it on. "
Su Qing patted Tu’s shoulder "it’s not your turn yet" and turned to look at the three red phoenixes. "It’s not as boring as this to tear and wrestle …"
Said Su Qing pulled out his sword and his hair color blood red sword "you three join hands, I want you to block my sword, even if I win, if I lose, I will deal with it with you."
The two little dolls were so arrogant that the first red phoenix was angry and smiled "Good!"
"No," Bai Fenghuang’s "lieutenant" thought about Su Qing dialect and felt a little awkward. Then he suddenly realized after a little aftertaste, but he didn’t wait for her to say anything about Su Qing’s arrogance. "Look at the sword!"
The big fellow slowly withdrew his palm and looked down at it.
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