"master! Sambo can live up to its master and fail. "
There was a silence in the carriage, and a breeze came in, and a string of wind chimes floated in the gorgeous tent to make a pleasant sound
Next to that beautiful maid, she slowly knelt down on the ground and gently massaged her baby’s shoulder with her hands on the fine jade.
Although she didn’t say anything, her eyebrows were slightly frowning, and she obviously had a feeling of three treasures.
"Tell me what’s going on?" Nine babies are always so calm as if nothing could affect his mood.
"I met my predecessors in Fucang."
Three treasures, nine babies, a slight shock, a beautiful maid’s massage, and a stagnation.
"The old monster in Fucang was born, too?" Nine baby asked.
Sanbao turned red.
"I didn’t ask the information of Fucang’s predecessors in my hands."
Sambo had a little meal and then described the whole battle process without a trace, neither exaggerating nor belittling.
"It’s more and more interesting to be able to have three talents when teleporting to shape the avatar."
Yuan baby’s eyes flashed with an expression of interest, and of course it was just interest.
"He is not a Fucang person" Nine Babies suddenly said.
"According to what you said, he had the Fucang sword, but he didn’t recognize the Lord. He just couldn’t exert the power of this fairy weapon. If it was the Fucang monster, that old guy must have a hundred ways to make that hair stiff to recognize the Fucang sword, and did it make Fucang lose school when it was fighting with you?"
Sanbao slightly thinking ready and replied
"Old Fucang has a high heart. How can he allow his own people to fight against the enemy and not move their unique skills even when the wind is blowing?"
Nine baby corners of the mouth gradually revealed a smile.
"Hum! It seems that Fucang Laoer is still trapped in that place and hasn’t got away yet. Ha ha ha … Hard to find an opportunity to save the old monster after the statue. "
Nine babies smiled happily. Obviously, it seems that it is a very fortunate thing that he can save the old monster.
"In the hair stiff …"
The beautiful maid next to "the handmaiden is willing to go to war to avenge Sambo’s eldest brother" respectfully gave a sharp flash in her eyes.
Nine babies turned to look at the maid.
"If the hair stiff can seize the opportunity, I’m afraid I can control the Fucang Sword after the First World War. Sambo is not his opponent, and neither can you. If the shadow is spoken, you can try it … don’t worry about which day he will touch him for the time being!"
"It’s the master!"
Although the beautiful maid doesn’t believe this statement completely, she is still ready to answer.
Nine babies turned to face the Sambo’s hands, and a faint light was emitted.
But when I saw the white light covering the broken arm of Sambo, a new arm grew out in an instant.
And Sambo’s momentum is also rising.
Obviously, this arm regeneration is not an ordinary spell, it is not just a growth, but even the lost mana is replenished.
Sanbao’s first reaction when he saw his face was not surprise but worry.
"master! Three treasures are not worth the winner’s wave mana … "
Sanbao words were interrupted by Jiuying’s hand just in the middle.
"A little magic can still afford it, and there is still much need for you to contribute. How can you do it if you don’t recover quickly?"
"It’s the master!"
Sambo bowed down with a grateful look on his face.
"Naraku came back to see him. I’m afraid it’s a big loss. You have to deal with this Dan medicine as compensation for him." Nine babies suddenly threw a black vial with a snap of their fingers.
"It’s the master!"
Sambo didn’t feel the breath of Naraku, but he was absolutely convinced of his master’s words.
A moment after stepping out, I saw a light rush out from the ground.
Thin and ugly figure appeared in front of Tian Xiang carriage.
"Sambo adult? Lord Sambo, are you back? " Naraku zheng obviously didn’t expect to meet Sambo here.
Then Naraku’s face became extremely ugly and angry.
"Sambo adults put the head black stiff? Hundreds of people have been slaughtered. "
"Hum!" Three treasures and a cold hum are extremely disliked by Shi Gui people. If it is not the owner, it is necessary to use their three treasures at present. For this despicable creature, he will meet one and kill another.
"Do you still need to explain to you?" Sambo rolled his eyes.
Naraku’s face grew ugly and changed continuously. In the end, he sighed and squeezed out a respectful expression with his head down.
"Sambo’s adult, please forgive me for your small words."
After all, there are still some places in these stones in the Nine Babies Plan.
"Don’t you think that hairy opponent has suffered some injuries, but thanks to the master’s hand, he has just recovered. The master knows that this bottle of Dan medicine is to compensate you for your strength and status, and you can transfer some people to help the master."
Sanbao pushed the carriage door and stepped in, kneeling respectfully on the floor with a full face of shame and expression.
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