During this period, Zhang Yang’s practice was not smooth, and Fujimori didn’t know what had happened. His impatience was absolutely not bad compared with Zhang Foreigners.
"What’s the matter? What happened? "
Rattan forest without the past calm directly a teleport appeared in front of Zhang Yang.
"Nothing is a failure of integration."
Zhang Yang said the palm of his hand spread out, but he saw a pool of silver-gray liquid slowly flowing in his broad palm.
It is difficult to melt the remains of Wu Manzu, but once it is melted, it takes a short time to solidify again.
Now this mass of liquid has just been condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye from Zhang Yang’s body.
"failed?" Fujimori eyebrows a wrinkly.
But when I looked at Zhang Yang, I didn’t see even a little bit of stalemate in each other’s eyes, which made his heart a little relieved.
Unconsciously, Zhang Yang, the younger generation, was not only respected and respected by Fujimori and others because of the blood force, but also influenced the charm of others, which made Fujimori and others feel credible.
"Yes, it failed!" Zhang nodded tone is very cool.
"What’s the reason?" Fujimori asked.
"I don’t know why my level can’t be improved by fusing blood power because of the level limitation, but Cuba’s higher level limits my blood power concentration, so I can’t fuse these mysterious gray irons for the time being."
"You mean you can continue to merge after your level breaks through?" Fujimori seized the question key and asked
"yes! I believe so! " Zhang Yang promised one.
Fujimori eyebrows slightly wrinkled.
"Level breakthrough before they can continue to merge? If it’s going to be like this in the future, I’m afraid it’s in big trouble. Is it difficult to break through the level? No matter how talented a person is, how can he be sure that he can make a smooth breakthrough in uniting the avenue? "
It’s simply too difficult to fix the truth, and it’s never been too difficult to take shape step by step. I don’t know how many uniting geniuses have died halfway through the ages
Fujimori’s original confidence in Zhang Yang was due to Zhang Yang’s smooth integration of the remains of his master, and this integration seems to be limited. Generally, if there are enough remains, it can be continuously integrated and promoted.
Give a person the feeling as if to master one hundred pieces of remains qi Zhang Yang need to blindly fusion can directly advance beyond the titles of the strong back to the master’s living strength.
But now this situation has changed.
This change has gone beyond the acceptable range of rattan forest, which makes him doubt whether Zhang Yang is the owner or not.
There is no doubt that the master left a successful hand before he fell.
But if it is really Zhang Yang, how can there be such a big fallacy now?
Let the winner advance by his own strength?
What a joke!
This chance of success is simply too small!
"What is Brother Fujimori worried about?" Zhang Yang asked with a faint smile on his face.
"You don’t seem to be in a hurry?" Looking at Zhang Yangxiao Fujimori, a wry smile, he didn’t really blame this junior.
Fujimori had a good impression on Zhang Yang from the beginning, but when he lost his master, he was Lee Zhang Yang from the beginning.
Seeing that there is something wrong with this interest, he can’t even say clearly whether there is such a little relief in his heart.
"Why should I worry?" Zhang Yang did not answer the rhetorical question.
"If the direct fusion of the remains of the master can’t help you break through the realm, then your promotion path will be bumpy," Fujilin said. "I don’t even know if you can successfully advance to the title strong!"
"I have confidence!" As he said, Zhang Yang’s tone was full of strong confidence.
Rattan Lin suddenly looked at Zhang Yang’s clear and firm eyes, but at the same time he had to sigh.
"That’s because you don’t know how difficult it is to qualify for the titles of the strong! You’re just the peak of the ancient Yan, and you’re far from the real Yan, and it’s more difficult to advance from the real Yan to the title of the strong one than the sum of the difficulties you’ve stepped into the road of repairing Zhen! I’m not exaggerating when I say this. Do you still have confidence after listening? "
Almost without hesitation, Zhang Yang answered immediately.
He is really confident because Zhang Yang’s mood is unprecedented.
The fusion failed again and again, and Zhang Yang finally found the reason, that is, the nine-color thunder balls in the large array of the Ministry of Tianlong were tempered to wipe out the memento mori left by Wu Manzu.
At present, Zhang Yang has no symbol of witch ancestors except for its blood force like a weapon.
It is precisely because of this that the mysterious gray iron without these memento mori leads is so easy to fuse.
However, Zhang Yang is not depressed because now Zhang Yang is the real Zhang Yang.
He would rather lose the chance of rapid promotion than risk losing himself at any time.
Looking at Zhang Yangche, his eyes are strong and confident, and Tenglin’s face is shocked.
What has happened is there any room for turning back?
Fujimori all struggled for thousands of years to crush Zhang Yang’s roots and lost the room for turning back!
What’s more, Zhang Yang has never let them down. Who knows he can’t work miracles this time?
"Ha ha ha good! Since you have confidence! Then I will have confidence in you! I believe Fujimoto, Fucang and Jiuying will also have confidence in you! No matter what happens, you will continue to get our conditional support! "
Finally, Fujimori laughed in my heart.
Chapter five hundred Nature’ s gas
Suddenly, the axe shook slightly like a bronze bell, giving off a melodious rhythm.
"hmm? Guard the Lord to warn you? " Fujiwara looked surprised, and a sharp axe was shaking hands.
Tenglin’s strength is generally strong, and the strong are not his opponents. Now I was approached by the enemy, but I didn’t find out that I was shocked by the sharp axe. What kind of enemy should this be?
Zhang Yang is naturally aware of this. The black light flashes in the hands of God, and the artifact black stick has appeared in his hands.
Zhang Yang’s life is more important to Fujimori than his own, whether from the perspective of personal feelings or from the perspective of race.
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