"You … want to do? !”
Face expression instantly changed from vacant to fear, and what Ujie had already sensed shouted angrily.
"Do you want to kill the king?"
"Don’t forget that I’m Khan, and no one can kill me!"
"Kill these rebels and thieves for me!"
Wu Jie, who was carried away by anger, turned around and gave orders to his own Qinbing. As a result, he responded with a dead silence.
"It’s not us who want to kill you, but the gods."
The eyes were short, and the children in Ujie’s hands stayed for a while, and then they saw Yi Yin sip and suddenly pulled out his waist sword, and then directly stabbed Ujie in the chest.
"From today on, you will no longer be our Khan."
Chapter 20 Avatar lost days
Deep in the strange fog, in the backyard of the mansion
"I didn’t expect that I even cheated on the’ stork’ and ended up in your hand."
Looking around, the girls fell down with a long arrow in their chests, Zhou Sheng laughed, but the smile was full of bitterness and regret.
"Can you tell me your name? Outsiders? "
"You are defeated. I want to know who killed me before I die."
One hundred and seventy pieces of golden body bronze man re-rope rosary hanging on his chest was full of golden Buddha’s light. Pei Wende was very calm and introduced himself
"My name is Pei Wende, a Buddhist layman who came to find someone."
At this time, the only woman who was not in a coma because she was protected by the psychic large array walked behind Zhou Sheng in time and looked mournful and helped him.
And Zhao Mu, who followed the female footsteps, looked around with a blank face.
Seeing what just happened, he is still a little confused about what happened today.
Zhao Mu’s only certainty is that the outsider stopped the psychic ceremony just now and abruptly brought someone back to reality.
"Wan’er, I’m sorry."
Light toward the woman expressed his apologies. Zhou Sheng knew that if he hadn’t gone his own way, I’m afraid they wouldn’t have fallen into this field.
"xianggong" should say I’m sorry. It’s me. "
"On life and death, go hand in hand …"
"This is our oath, but now it just confirms this oath."
In the bleak, but with a little peace of mind, Zhou Sheng called "Wan’er" and the woman responded with a smile.
"I was ready to die when you and I stepped into this fog."
"It’s a pity, Xianggong, that you have such talent, but you can finally die with me in this fog."
After saying his word, Wan’er’s figure began to dissipate like a substance in the fog and finally returned to this fog
And Wan’er dissipate with them, as well as those women who can’t afford to fall on that ground.
After Wan’er’s homocentric Wan’er disappeared, she also returned to this fog with her.
Silently watching all this happen, Pei Wende raised a ray of vigilance in his heart.
Because Pei Wende didn’t attack these female killers, let alone the Wan’er.
In other words, the disappearance of these women is not expected by Pei Wende, but it seems a bit abrupt and weird.
However, what surprised Pei Wende even more is yet to come.
"Alas, after all, the avatar is lost to the number of days …"
Regretfully lamented that Zhou Sheng, who was born to die, did not struggle against it again, but took the initiative to pull out the long arrow on his chest, and the blood poured out along the arrow.
"You … are actually alive?"
Pei Wende discovered until this time that Zhou Sheng, who had been living in seclusion in the fog, was not a "painting man" but a living person.
You know, since Pei Wende entered the fog, most of the people he met were not living.
Or linger in the fog, or fog one thing …
Pei Wende originally decided that there was another living person besides himself in this fog.
And that’s why I kept the pain killer when I faced those women before.
Because those women in Pei Wende’s eyes, no matter what they were before, have already fallen into the "living dead" played by psychics.
Death is a kind of relief and compassion for them …
But Zhou Sheng’s suspicious behavior at the moment is to tell him that he was wrong from the beginning.
In the fog, there are still living people like Zhou Sheng besides those persistent obsessions and possessions.
"If you can come here to find someone, can you not allow me to be alive?"
There is a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth. Even before he died, Zhou Sheng still maintained his appearance and was calm.
"I have calculated everything in my life, from heaven to earth to life and death."
"There are only two things I haven’t counted."
"The first thing is that Wan’er appears and the second thing is you."
"I figured that he would invite an outsider as a guest, but I didn’t expect that he invited you to be such a’ contemporary king’."
Although Zhou Sheng was very sorry, he had to admire his boldness.
After all, what kind of malicious role is the "contemporary king"? Anyone who knows anyone knows it clearly.
For this kind of eyes that can’t be rubbed with sand, the most likely situation is that it is easy to ask God and difficult to send God.
"It seems that I don’t know that there are more things than I thought."
Looking at Zhou Shengpei Wende, who is already weak in breath but still unable to stand, he is keenly aware that something is wrong.
I came here because a young man who looks similar to Zhou Sheng appeared in Tongqing Temple and brought information to Pei Wende that Xiaoqing might be in trouble.
It can be said that I met Ada before, or after Wan’er, but now Zhou Sheng said that he was invited by "He".
One person may admit his mistake, but two or three people in a row are so sure, which makes Pei Wende have to doubt the real intention of the young man at the beginning.
"This is the consistent practice of’ Hong’ to be mysterious and spooky …"
"But there is nothing wrong with him asking you for something."
"Strange stranger, he is more cunning and treacherous than you think. I hope you don’t end up with me."
When Zhou Sheng finished this sentence, he closed his eyes peacefully and never spoke again.
"Act like I’m a bad guy. I’m a good guy."
With a long sigh, Pei Wende knew that the young man was alive and dead, and it was the kind that died completely.
It doesn’t matter whether the last words spoken by the other party are sincere or provocative.
Whether the theory is true or not will not affect what Pei Wende will do next.
Step …
Take a step forward calmly. Pei Wende’s Buddha’s light naturally converges, and soon there is a faint light left to illuminate this dark night.
Cunning moonlight, golden Buddha’s light interweaving, silence, Pei Wende breathing and broadcasting in the backyard.
But the battle of the skeleton giant in this courtyard is still anxious, and occasionally it makes a collision sound, which has become the main theme of this night.
Chapter 29 Tongtian Snake
"What do you want!"
Pei Wende is about to approach Zhou Sheng, and Zhao Mu gritted his teeth and stopped them directly.
"Don’t come near here again!"
Then, as if some kind of tacit understanding had been reached, the ministers behind him also happened to coincide.
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