Lin Xueyan sat there and didn’t talk. Long Xiaofei didn’t dare to throw it at her home alone. It was already late at night. Lin Xueyan was tired and afraid to curl up slowly in the sofa. At this time, Long Xiaofei’s warm body temperature could comfort her. She turned her head to Long Xiaofei’s sitting direction and put her pillow on Long Xiaofei’s leg. She pulled an old blanket over the sofa and slowly closed her eyes. Her breathing seemed to be balanced and even.
After driving all day, Long Xiaofei also had a backache. He found a comfortable angle and leaned against the soft light of the living room in the sofa. Long Xiaofei gradually snored.
Xiao Fei, a hazy dragon, heard a rustle. He couldn’t feel the weight of his little head on his legs. He vigorously opened his eyes and saw Lin Xueyan sitting in front of the lamp with black hair and holding the white cloth in his hand. There were still 36 chicken blood rosewood beads piled up in front of him.
"Snow geese, what time is it? Why are you up? " Long Xiaofei rubbed his eyes and asked
Lin Xueyan pouted at the cloth as if she were angry with someone.
"What’s the matter with you?" Long Xiaofei sighed. Although he was disappointed with Lin Xueyan’s recent actions, he was not angry at all. He wanted to help her solve all the puzzles and restore Lin Xueyan’s normal life.
"I became Xiao Fei!" Lin Xueyan’s eyes are smart, and those fears have gone nowhere. She conveniently took a handkerchief to tie up the long hair behind her head, and then sat down beside Long Xiaofei, pointing to the white cloth and said, "Xiao Fei, this piece of cloth has been changed, and now I see that this piece of writing opens the gates of hell forever … At that time, Danbu pointed to a rock wall near the broken bridge, and then I took the cloth and suddenly let it go. I was shocked at that time. I found a protruding stone along Danbu’s finger direction and pressed it to open a stone gate. At that time, I suddenly looked at this cloth carefully.
"These words are embroidered to Danbu. I hope it will keep some paper for a long time, but it is a kind of silk that is not afraid of water, acid and alkali, and ordinary fire can’t destroy it in a short time. But he forgot that this embroidered word can be removed. Those dark stains are removed to leave traces. I removed the word’ don’t’ from the trace analysis. In this way, this cloth was left after Danbu warned. He said,’ Don’t open the hell gate forever .. I don’t know who finally changed the word of cloth to the opposite meaning before the princess closed the tunnel. "Lin Xueyan finally some depressed to close your eyes the whole people crooked sofa don’t want to get up.
Chapter 114 Retrial Forget Worry ()
Lin Xueyan sat there dejectedly with Danbu’s will on her knees. The white cloth was still as white as new after hundreds of years. A drop of bright red fell to the cloth, and a small red flower splashed out. It continued to flow one by one, and then three pieces of red. The white cloth was dyed red in an instant. Long Xiaofei looked up in horror and saw Lin Xueyan staring at herself in panic. Her nose was like a broken faucet. In just a few seconds, it was bleeding profusely.
Long Xiaofei almost ran to health in two steps and took out a towel, then quickly opened the refrigerator to get ice cubes and wrapped an ice pack and pressed Lin Xueyan’s head.
"Don’t worry about me …" Lin Xueyan was slightly upset.
"Still say nothing!" Long Xiaofei almost shouted "hold the ice pack by yourself". Long Xiaofei conveniently took off her coat and bag. Before Lin Xueyan came to resist, she was picked up by force, opened the door and then went upstairs in one go. At first light, Long Xiaofei sent Lin Xueyan to a nearby hospital.
Early in the morning, Long Xiaofei returned to the office, and Lin Xueyan had been kept in the hospital for observation.
"Ma Chao, you go and forget about that. I have something to ask her." Long Xiaofei told Ma Chao, who just came to class.
"Boss, why do you suddenly want her this early morning?" D slowly get up.
"This goblin must have something to say to us. The chip in Lin Xueyan’s head has been taken out at an unknown time. I calculated that the longest time she left us was when she was taken away by her cousin and forgot to worry. The chip removal surgery must have been done at that time. The doctor suspected that her brain surgery was minimally invasive and the surgery was carried out from the nasal cavity, leaving her with such a sequela."
Facing the immediate worry, Long Xiaofei suppressed his anger. He looked at the worry calmly and said, "Do you know what I want with you?"
Forget the worry and shrug. "Is it because Officer Long Da misses me?"
Long Xiaofei’s anger was drawn out by her words and she asked coldly, "I want to know what you did to Lin Xueyan?"
"I’m done with the confession. Lin Xueyan and I are of the same ancestry. I said I wouldn’t do anything to her. If you don’t believe me, then ask me what to do and I’ll keep silent. What can you do with me?" Forget the sorrow and look at Long Xiaofei with a faint smile.
"Then I’ll tell you a good news. We have opened all the yin and yang fish and crossed the broken bridge to reach the inner secret room. Don’t you want to know what’s inside?" Long Xiaofei didn’t forget her worries. She just wanted to provoke him. At this time, Long Xiaofei calmed down and began to interest this woman.
Forgetting sorrow suddenly sat up straight and her eyes braved the light. She was obviously interested in the things in the secret room. Forgetting sorrow was encouraged to do things from an early age, that is, find the secret passage, cross the secret passage, and finally reach the secret room. Obviously, she has achieved her goal now, but she still strongly wants to know what is hidden in the secret room that will keep her alive for generations.
"Then let’s talk about the conditions. What do I ask? What do you say? When I’m finished, I’ll tell you what we saw in the park." Long Xiaofei struck while the iron was hot
"I’m a policeman and I won’t play any conspiracy with a prisoner like you. Now even if you know what’s inside, you can’t go out and you can’t get it." Long Xiaofei looked contemptuously and forgot to worry.
Forgetting sorrow, she bowed her head and thought for a moment and said, "Well, it seems that the treasure house is too important for her. Even if she can’t have it herself, she will be satisfied with knowing what is in it.
"Well … we didn’t do anything for Lin Xueyan. We just did her a favor and took out a chip that has been bothering her." Forget the sorrow and say it gently.
"Move her head casually. This is also called help? Do you know how dangerous that operation is? " Long Xiaofei couldn’t hold back his anger a little, but forgetting his worries confirmed that Vice President Ma’s statement was indeed a chip.
"It’s not to blame that we were asked by her cousin, and the operation was done by her cousin himself. I also heard that her cousin did it when she put that thing in," she said slowly.
"Is her cousin to take out the chip? But what? What the hell is in this chip? " Long Xiaofei is a little strange.
Forgetting sorrow kept a calm tone and said, "In fact, the chip was specially developed by Ding Chenyang to deal with Lin Xueyan’s unusual abilities. It was her parents who agreed to put the chip in the first place and two people died."
"You mean Lin Xueyan’s parents died because they implanted that chip into Lin Xueyan. What the hell is going on?" Long Xiaofei doesn’t believe in forgetting sorrow.
Forgotten and gloomy, she sneered and said, "I didn’t do it. Do I have to lie to you?"
"Listen to your words. Although Lin Xueyan’s parents died, you didn’t do it, but you know who did it. I’m more interested in this." Long Xiaofei stared at the front and forgot his worries
Looking back at Long Xiaofei with a ponder look, the two men looked at each other for three minutes. It was an eye-to-eye fight. Finally, I forgot my worries. I withdrew my eyes and closed my eyes slowly, then sighed and said, "Well, as you said, I can’t go out anyway. To know the truth, I must start with the accident. I can tell you this story from the beginning. Naturally, the story is based on the authenticity of it. You should analyze it yourself."
In those days, there was a disaster in the Yi nationality. After the disaster, there were not many people left. The descendants of Danbu fled to a place with beautiful mountains and rivers. At that time, it was also called Yining County, and it took more than ten years to be divided into administrative cities, which is now Yining City.
The descendants of Danbu lived in Yining Village on the riverside. This village is a place where ethnic minorities are concentrated. Most of them are Han, Manchu and Korean. Slowly, two relatively large surnames have appeared in the village, Ding and Li, which are the most prominent families in the village. The Ding family is even more powerful because of the birth of an Hanlin.
I don’t know from which generation Ding Gu has been troubled by a kind of rotten skin disease, but it is strange that if Ding Gu’s man marries Li Jia’s girl or Ding Gu’s girl marries Li Jia, the disease will be cured. The villagers all say that Ding Gu is cursed by the family. The way to break the curse is to marry Li Jia until one year later, a surname Lin moved to the village. I don’t know what happened to Ding Gu, but Ding Yunchang and Miss Li Jia ‘er married a girl of six or seven years old, Lin Yimeng, as a child bride, but this girl is a nightmare. Xiao Ke died and her mother died ten days after
Chapter 115 Retrial Forget Worry (in)
For Lin Yimeng, Long Xiaofei has long listened to the villagers’ discussion in Yining Village. After such a long time, if he has said these things, he is already familiar with them. It is also proof that this woman is telling the truth now.
The car drove into the community and Long Xiaofei and Lin Xueyan drove back to Lin Xueyan’s house. Lin Xueyan almost dropped the key from her bag and got the death of her cousin. Lin Xueyan never cried, but Long Xiaofei knew how sad she was at this time. Long Xiaofei silently took the key to help her open the door and help her sit in the sofa, then poured a cup of hot water and handed it to her.
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