The broadsword in his hand was directly broken, and the whole person fell off the mountain to hit the towering monument and fell seven times.
Wu chop, but Wu Dao’s body is very strong, and he has cultivated to the realm of saints. People can fly him with one punch, and even the hallows broadsword is broken?
"Who dares to fight martial arts?" Mo Wen cold road
"I hit my grandson," the old man said.
"Also call names old spell with you" Mo Wen face a anger is rushed to the old man.
Guo Yi was busy to stop him and then made a respectful bow to the old man. "Xiao Guo Yi has seen the predecessors of Tiandou."
Chapter 795 Wu Meng leader
Today, there are only a handful of people who can blow up Wu Dao with one punch.
Wu Tian-dou, the leader of Wu Meng, will surely be one of the middle schools!
Wu Tiandou is not like those monks who practice advanced studies, but more like an unknown person. Wang Li is condensed in one body, just like a bright star with poor efforts.
A pair of sharp eyes with insight into the eternal charm of heaven and earth forced people not to look him in the eye.
"This old guy ….. doyen is Wu chop grandpa really great" Mo Wen instantaneous is changed.
Real Mo Wen would like to know where this old guy came from. They have searched the top of this mountain several times.
Guo Yi is a little thoughtful. On this day, many strong people will learn to quit magic. Even in a grain of dust, there may be a world hidden.
Wu Meng’s leader is a man with great magical powers. It’s impossible for such a secret technique to be impossible.
Wu chop climbed back from the mountain and was covered with mud and dust. He worshipped Wu Tiandou with awe.
Wu Meng’s leader still stood still with a negative hand, saying, "I have reached the saint’s realm so quickly, but I still took a punch at once without serious injury. It seems that I have got a lot of adventure."
Guo Yi and Mo Wen looked at each other. In front of them, this venerable old man turned out to be a member of the alliance leader. So, should he be equal in strength?
Guo Yi quickly bowed to the leader of the Wumeng Alliance and said, "I don’t know if my predecessors respect the present?"
Guo Yi is here to invite the leader of the Wumeng League to come out of the mountain, and only this elder can deal with Wan Haoxue.
There is not much time for Guo Yi to come straight to the point.
Wu Meng leader turned his eyes and shot three feet of holy mountain at Guo Yi and then said, "You are Guo Yijing who gave birth to you in front of me."
"Do you know Jingsheng?" Guo Yi was surprised.
The leader of wumeng nodded and thought for a moment. This is the way. "It was about three months ago that he came to me and brought a person."
Three months ago, it was the eve of the decisive battle between Guo Shaoyi and the Northern Wilderness Emperor.
"He’s looking for a senior?" Guo yi busy way
Wu Meng’s leader hesitated for a moment and didn’t answer Guo Yi’s question. It seemed that he was thinking about something for a long time before he said, "You want me to go to the reincarnation day with him to take something."
Jingsheng and the leader of Wumeng Alliance are the top saints in the Seven Wastes. It is naturally very important for them to get something.
Guo Yi said, "What needs two seniors to shoot at the same time?"
Wu Meng leader shook his head and said, "I can’t tell you that I and Jingsheng have already arrived. If we haven’t come back after three years, then we will say that we have died and reincarnated."
Hearing this, all three people in the field were shocked. The second place in the Holy List and the fifth place in the Holy List were shot at the same time. I’m afraid heaven and man can stop them. Who can kill them?
No one will believe this if it is said.
Guo Yi didn’t think so much, but his face turned dark. Since Wu Meng’s leader respected no one and blocked Wan Haoxue?
After a long time, Guo Yi put away his lost emotions and said, "I’m afraid that my predecessors have something important to explain!"
Wumeng leader nodded appreciatively. "Jingsheng said yes, you will surely come here in a year."
"What do you mean?" Guo Yidao
"Don’t you want to know that he brought someone to see me three months ago?" asked the leader of the Wumeng Alliance.
"people?" Guo Yidao
Wu Meng leader pointed out and immediately let the dust on the ground fall into his hands. This dust is plain but full of one thousand pounds. A halo is emitted. A girl with round eyes came out from the inside.
This girl’s face is clever as snow, her hair is like waterfall, her eyebrows are like willow’s head, and she jumps out with gorgeous peacock feathers, and her eyes keep staring at Guo Yidao. "Guo Da rogue, how do you follow wherever the princess goes?" Did you get excited when you were young? I can warn you that if you dare to interrupt you with the princess’s hands … "
"Princess Sparrow!" Guo Yi was surprised to see Qin Qianling here.
Wu chop got a fright, and quickly set up a "ma bu" or horse stance just look dish and cut it out with a heavy knife.
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