At this moment, a monk suddenly pointed to Corleone and they said, "Look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look, look I can’t be afraid of such a younger brother as Aoki Zong. "
The five Tianzihao boxes of the auction house are crowned imperial dynasty, Jin Jian, fiery, Aoki and Houtu respectively. Generally speaking, the corresponding clan brothers can enter the corresponding Tianzihao boxes.
Lao Jia’s face showed a thoughtful expression, and he said, "Not many words can enter the box in Beijing, and Aoki Zongdi won’t exceed this number." He stretched out a slap.
No way. How come my brother has never heard of it? That guy isn’t "Si Xiu Yi", is he?
Lao Jia shook his head. "This guy should be Aoki’s brother, but Xiuxian is not as good as Sixiu."
Brother? The surrounding monks couldn’t help showing envy and jealousy.
This old Jia really guessed that Sun Haozheng entered the Aoki Tianzi box of the auction house by virtue of his own brother status of Aoki Zong Yuchang.
Although Zhulinyuan looks good, Xiaowan’s top is also qualified to enter the ground size box. On this day, the size box has to be four cases and the monks with status and status in the dynasty can’t enter their brothers, which is just qualified.
Of course, some younger brothers are not close, but Jinghua City has created a noble name, and the younger brothers can also enter the Tianzihao box, such as the so-called four shows in the monk’s mouth.
Chapter one hundred and seven With deep pockets
The two faces are delicate and delicate, but the first shot is covered by red silk on a silver plate. A male repairman shakes his hand and the first shot appears in everyone’s sight.
A porcelain vase stands quietly in a silver plate.
"Ah," Xia Pingwan reached out and picked up a beautifully decorated porcelain bottle. "This is actually a panacea. What is it?"
"Small and medium-sized Tsukiji Dan" is a little louder in vain. "Please look at this first auction. It is actually a small and medium-sized Tsukiji Dan from Aoki Sect, which is helpful to the monk Tsukiji. But everyone knows that in the past, Beijing auction house auctions were all small and medium-sized Tsukiji Dan. So what is the effect of this small and medium-sized Tsukiji Dan? Let’s consult lingyun predecessors first … "
Lingyun smell speech to Xia graceful nodded lang said, "Tsukiji Dan can rise by thirty percent, the success rate of Tsukiji Dan can rise by ten percent, and the success rate of small and medium-sized Tsukiji Dan can rise by fifteen percent …"
In a few words, the effect of small and medium-sized Zhujidan can be clearly explained.
Brother Lingyun, the words sound just fell and cried a noise in the hall.
This is really a pleasant surprise. Little Tsukiji Dan is 15% more than half a game. The monks in the later stage of gas refining, especially the dzogchen Sanxiu, suddenly became convinced.
Friar refining gas does not enter the foundation.
The first auction successfully mobilized the mood of the auction meeting.
Many monks are gearing up and waiting for Xia Shuwan to announce the bidding.
Box Sun Hao see small wan wan nodded.
Sun Hao understands that this small and medium-sized Zhu Jidan is refining Xiaowan himself and entrusting the auction house to auction.
"Thank you, Senior Lingyun." Xia Biaowan smiled and thanked Senior Lingyun. Then the sound was raised. "The starting price of the first auction of the second auction was 10,000 Lingshi, and the price increase was not less than 1,000 Lingshi each time. Now, please start bidding."
Xia Ping Wan Yin has just made an offer of "twenty thousand …"
Then the monks quoted one after another.
Twenty-five thousand …
Thirty thousand …
Thirty-five thousand …
Wan …
None of the previous quotations was quoted. One thousand is fifty-five thousand.
All the time, the quotation came to the quotation tone of Wanlingshi, which only stopped. At this time, it reached the tolerance limit of ordinary monks in the later stage of gas refining.
Inside the box, the monks began to quote. Most of the boxes have some status and status, and many monks are family monks.
Although the quotation of small and medium-sized Tsukidan has slowed down, the price is still rising steadily.
Five thousand …
Wan …
Ninety thousand …
One hundred and ten thousand …
In one hundred and ten thousand LingShi font box also began to quote.
One hundred and twenty thousand …
One hundred and thirty thousand …
Sun Hao surprised look of a small and medium-sized Zhujidan offer has been pulled up to hundreds of Lingshi.
It’s not easy to collect this small Tsukiji Dan elixir, but a furnace of small Tsukiji Dan elixir is only a few thousand lingshi. I didn’t expect a small and medium-sized Tsukiji Dan to make such huge profits.
At this time, Sun Hao had the idea of going back to alchemy to earn Lingshi.
Sun Hao surprised to continue.
Tianzihao Box joined the competition for five boxes. Except Sun Hao, there was no quotation in this box, all four of his boxes began to bid. It is normal for this small building foundation Dan to come from Aoki Zonghe Zongmen.
Bian Sanxiu also completed a round of resource combination, joined the quotation team again, and the price of small and medium-sized Zhujidan rose again.
Up to 220,000 Lingshi.
The quotation just slowed down.
"There are 220,000 Lingshi in the box with thick soil and a font size". Xia Yaowan never dreamed that the first auction would reach 220,000 yuan, and there was a little excitement. "Is there a higher price of 220,000 yuan for the first time and 220,000 yuan for the second time …"
"Two hundred and twenty thousand clinch a deal for the third time" hammer a beat in the hand. Xia Pingwan smiled and leaned down slightly in front of the Tianhao box and said, "Congratulations to Houtu Tianhao box for winning the first auction of small and medium-sized Zhu Jidan …"
Sun Hao’s refining of small and medium-sized Zhuji Dan produced 220,000 Lingshi at a high price, which made Xiao Wan smile at a profit of 10,000 yuan. Is there any material of Sun Hao’s refining Dan? Naturally, she knows that this is a huge profit. Sun Hao is now a shining Lingshi mine in her eyes!
Continue the auction.
Xia Biaowan invited the second auction.
Compared with the small and medium-sized Tsukidan, several subsequent auctions were relatively moderate and were taken away by different monks at the price of about 10 thousand Lingshi.
Until the twelfth auction, Sun Hao noticed that the first auction appeared.
This auction list describes that "an unknown scroll came from an ancient Buddhist monk’s abode of fairies and immortals"
Auctions like ancient scrolls have the nature of gambling. Can there be a chance because few people know such scrolls?
This time, this scroll is introduced by Brother Ao Shuang.
"Brother Tsukiji, a famous scroll, is suspected of remembering some kind of secret method," said Brother Ao Shuang. "Only when the characters originated from ancient times can we find out what happened."
The background of this thing’s royal Xia family should be unclear, or it can be clarified, but it is of little value for monks to gamble on.
Most of the monks are practical and steady, and they are not optimistic about this scroll. Therefore, Xia Yaowan said, "The reserve price of 3,000 Lingshi is not less than 100." After a short silence, there was no offer from the monks.
Xia Pingwan didn’t try so hard to continue with a smile. "Not long ago, a monk auction house took an ancient painting at an auction price of 5,000 lingshi. After the auction, it was a coincidence to find the monk’s abode of fairies and immortals in the ancient painting house, which made Zuji’s predecessors greedy …"
There was a good thing on the side and I laughed. "Wan Wanxian, why didn’t you say that the Beijing auction bet on ten treasures and nine?"
Xia Wei-wan smiled. "The monk’s practice is lucky by chance, and he doesn’t gamble. That’s because the chance has not arrived. The monk should gamble all his life or miss the chance in vain."
Anyway, Xia Pingwan’s words have successfully mobilized the enthusiasm of some monks.
Three thousand one hundred …
3.2 thousand …
Isn’t it? The surrounding monks can’t help but know all the news about Lao Jia Dapei. It’s really not well-informed
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