Watching Ye Tian suddenly felt as if his skin had been pricked by a needle, and a sense of terror suddenly rose from his heart. Ye Tian was born with this strong sense of crisis for the first time.
Although I don’t know anything, Ye Tian didn’t dare to think much about it, but this time he didn’t cut it off, but crossed the blade and crossed the front.
David Tang almost finished moving in Ye Tian, and at the same time, a violent clang was heard. Ye Tian retreated five or six steps in a row and stopped his body.
Ye Tian, who lived in horror, looked at the queen bee about 5 meters away. Just now, Ye Tian keenly felt that the bombardment on his blade turned out to be a poisonous needle with the thickness of a hair.
Although Ye Tian can exert his energy now, he can repel Ye Tian for five or six steps with the help of a toothpick with the thickness of a hair. What kind of power does it take?
The most horrible thing in Yuzryha is that the poison needle shadow can’t be seen or heard, and there is not even a sign before the launch. What the hell is this shooting? We should guard against it.
Breathing violently, Ye Tian finally understood the horror of this queen bee. No wonder once you have it, it is destined to be an epic hero. This kind of shadow and energy defense needle is really hard to avoid.
Dare not neglect Ye Tian quickly flicker after hiding in the mud ball. Fortunately, the queen bee didn’t shoot the poison needle again until Ye Tian escaped, but flapped her wings and slowly flew in the direction of Ye Tian.
The queen bee in the semi-middle school is proudly suspended in the semi-middle school with a graceful posture. Although she still has the characteristics of bee, as far as she is concerned, she has become six people and four bees. This may be the name of her queen bee. Come on.
Slowly stopped in front of the mud ball 10 meters, the queen bee looked down at the four handsome bees still struggling in the mud ball and looked at Ye Tian for a moment. A feeling of danger rose from Ye Tianxin.
Nervously swallowed water, Ye Tian keenly found that the queen bee’s tail poison needle was left half to ten centimeters long, and now there are three or four centimeters left.
A little thought of Ye Tian turned white. Although this queen bee can shoot a poisonous needle, the poisonous needle is not by now, but by shooting a poisonous needle at her body, unless another poisonous needle can grow, otherwise Ling Fei will shoot it again.
Looking at the three or four centimeters long tail needle days, my eyes couldn’t help but suddenly thought of an idea: find out the huge tower shield with both hands, and now the queen bee has a thick tower shield with both hands. Now the poisonous needle can’t pierce enough.
Get up slowly. Ye Tian whistled frivolously at the queen bee, hooked his fingers and defiantly saw this scene. The queen bee’s wings accelerated.
In Ye Tiandi, the frequency of watching the queen bee’s six wings gradually increased from slow to fast, while Ye Tian swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was alert.
Finally, Ye Tian felt that one flower at the moment was more instantaneous than the danger, and his brain consciousness pushed the shield forward. Ye Tian felt that the shield sank as if it had been hit by a big hammer.
Brimming with severe pain, Ye Tian did not say anything but struggled to resist a dashed shield, and pushed the shield hard against the mud ball next to it.
Obviously, Ye Tian’s plan was successful. In Ye Tian, the queen bee was teased and blasted into the shield. The long tail needle of three or four centimeters was stabbed into the shield. Before she pulled it out, Ye Tian had pushed the mud ball against her body.
Josiah, come and push the shield. Ye Tian shouted wildly.
Hearing Ye Tiandi’s words, West Asia ran quickly from the rock and quickly ran in the direction of Ye Tianyin.
Soon, West Asia saw that she was pushing a shield and pushing it hard toward the mud ball. Ye Tian didn’t wait for her to be white. What happened? Ye Tianda shouted, Come on, the queen bee is in the shield. Give me a seal quickly.
Hearing Ye Tian’s words, West Asia felt that her brain was white. Although she was more eager to seal a queen bee as a seal beast, and they also arrived here all the way, to be honest, she never denied that she could really hold a queen bee. After all, no one has successfully sealed this thing for thousands of years.
Looking at West Asia, it seems that Ye Tian is struggling to push the queen bee with a shield. After all, it is a sixth order. Although the body is pressed into the mud, the struggle force is too great, which is a bad thing.
Tightly clench your teeth, furious. What are you doing? Seal it immediately.
Hearing Ye Tian’s words, West Asia finally returned to absolute being and quickly ran to Ye Tian’s side to pay for the seal card that had already been made, and gently closed his eyes. The spirit prompted the card to ban the seal.
Although the queen bee was pressed into the mud by Ye Tian, it was just careless, but it was not greatly affected by its physical strength. Therefore, despite its hard work, West Asia succeeded in sealing it for more than ten times in a row.
It has been sealed for more than 30 times in a row, and West Asia has already been sweating, but it still succeeded in eagerly looking around. The sun has fallen into the horizon and less than half of its head is still struggling on the ground. Once the sun sets, it will be all over.
Once the sun goes down, all levels of dragon bees will come back. What will make the captain of the bee fight thousands of bees? This is not irresistible to human beings.
Continue to give me the seal and look at the fear of West Asia. Ye Tianda yelled.
Looking at the horizon, the sun is about to set, and then at Ye Tian, pushing the shield, imagining that the queen bee of the shield finally sealed it again with a fierce bite.
With the exertion of Siali, Ye Tian finally felt that the shield was suddenly thin and a pink light floated from the mud ball and then was instantly sucked into the seal card.
Ah, gawking at the seal card, the queen bee gradually emerged, and Sia cried wildly. After a thousand years, someone finally sealed the queen bee successfully.
Looking at the jubilant West Asia Ye Tianshun hand shield into the ring a pull caper West Asia quickly ran towards the top of the mountain.
Feel Ye Tian move west Asia this just woke up, although successfully sealed the queen bee, but they are not out of danger. Don’t hurry up and get out of here. The dragon bee will definitely bite them in an instant without any bones left.
Just after running a few steps in the direction of the horizon, the sun finally plunged into the horizon, and it suddenly became dark. At the same time, a noise and buzz rang from all sides.
Struggling to pull Xiye forward at a high speed, climbing all the way along the steep and winding mountain road. Not long after running, there were a lot of dragon bees in front of me.
Looking at the oncoming hundreds of dragons and bees, I feel dizzy in my brain. How can there be so many? It takes me to break through.
Alas, in the despair of Yetian, Sia screamed fiercely, and an unstable foot actually twisted his ankle and sat down in pain.
Looking at the oncoming hundreds of dragons and bees, God knows that it is still alive to rush over, but in this way, we must abandon West Asia.
Looking at the pain, sitting in the ground, sighing, bending down and picking up the body theory of West Asia, he will never abandon his woman in the face of danger. He is a man, a real man.
Looking deeply at the fact that Ye Tianxia’s body trembled slightly, she did it on purpose. She wanted to see how much she wanted herself in Ye Tian’s mind and how much he could do.
West Asia does not doubt Ye Tian’s love for her, but that’s how women know each other’s love for themselves, but they still have to prove again and again that it will never be enough for them to say sweet words again and again.
Gently stroking Ye Tian’s face, Cynthia choked, fool, why are you so good to me? Would you rather choose to destroy you than abandon me?
Bow your head slightly and Ye Tian looks firmly at Xidao. Yes, even if you want to destroy them, you must destroy me first. No one can hurt you before I am destroyed.
David Tang’s fierce and sonorous mid-day, the handsome bee should be in shape with a knife, but before Ye Tian can react, he has already flown back to the place with the help of that knife force, flashing like a phantom.
Looking at Ye Tianbai, a handsome bee twenty or thirty meters away in astonishment, this distance is simply close at hand for the handsome bee, and he can cross Ye Tianbai in a blink of an eye. If he wants a misjudgment, everything will be over.
Ye Tian was very confident in Handsome Bee World War I, but after that knife just now, Ye Tian was completely awake. Grandpa West Asia said that he was handsome in this forbidden highland.
But in the big world, the more beautiful and gorgeous things are, the more dangerous it is. Ye God knows that the queen bee is still handsome and belongs to the sixth-order creature.
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