"It’s okay, it’s okay …" Xuan’s heart panicked. Her silvery white dagger was still in the cold feather, and her little hand was even taken away from her first kiss. I don’t know if I can recapture the dagger when she is well.
"What is it?" Lin kite continued to ask Xin nai didn’t think much. This girl just couldn’t stay in the palace.
"It’s just that it’s uncomfortable to be bored in the palace. Why doesn’t your brother feel uncomfortable?" Xuan’s son rolled his eyes. It’s definitely necessary to drink medicine without telling his mother and try to get better quickly. It’s best to pester Mu Xuan to teach her some martial arts. Then cold feathers will look good!
"Your brother will formally discuss the state affairs in a few days, where is it like you know to play?" Lin gave her a look at the kite and said to Xiaozha, "But look at the emperor and it’s time to come."
Mu Yixuan once stayed in the imperial doctor’s hospital with Shen Bing. Even if it was an act of god, even if Heaven had refused to see him and his wife, how could they follow the act of god so easily? !
Zagreb nodded his head and was about to go out when he saw the Taidian coming from far away. Although he was the same age as the princess, he was taller than the princess. He wore a golden white house belt with a carved forehead, more like his father, imposing, cold and handsome.
Small Zagreb heart a panic nasty turned and shouted out "TaiDian landing! Taidian is here! "
MuXuan approached coldly swept small Zagreb, "when will the princess come back? How to rest? "
"The Princess Road in the Temple has caught the cold, and your Empress is resting inside." Xiao Za is not tall and lifted her head and told that she has long been used to this temple’s temperament. It is the first time to speak, and her head is beating straight in her heart. If there is not an emperor and Empress behind her, she will even shake her feet now.
"Can she catch cold on this hot day?" Muxuan frowned and pushed the door directly, only to see the mother bypass the screen and came out with a face of displeasure and motioned for him to tap.
"Mother xuan wench: what’s the matter? Why did you get sick as soon as you got back to the palace? It’s not that I want to go out of the palace and have trouble with you again, is it? " Muxuan lower their voices tentatively asked
"I’m really sick. I just took medicine and slept. I’ll be fine when I wake up." Lin said, pulling Xuan toward the outside.
"How to get cold on a hot day?" Xuan has shrunk his hand. He is so old that his mother always likes pandering like Xuan wench.
"I just got back from Zhong Li and I don’t know where she went. At this moment, the clock is far away from many places to melt ice!" Lin kite said gently closed the door.
"Why did the clock run away?" Mu Xuan frowned slightly, but his voice was still very low. Although he was thirteen years old, he was very stable and mature. Last year, his father and Baina Guoling Wang promised Han Yu ten years ago. This does not mean that the two countries can be at peace from now on.
Lin kite didn’t answer to reach out and raise his eyebrows and looked at him. "How can you grow up and kiss your mother differently?" When you were a child, but … "
"Stop!" Don’t wait for Lin Yuan to say that Mu Xuan immediately put out her slender hand and consciously put it in the mother’s hand. What a trouble! Being a mother is more troublesome!
"This is the mother darling." Lin smiled to hold Xuan in his arms. "You haven’t let your mother hug for many years, but you have to hug enough today."
Hold him tightly in your arms and gently pat his increasingly tough back. His lips are still smiling like a joke, but his eyes can’t help but get wet.
Muxuan by mother holding the pie mouth coldly stared at one side of the small Zagreb immediately bowed their heads and small eyes full of entanglements.
12 years of concealment
Update the latest chapter of Pro-Queen as soon as possible!
Twenty years after Xuanzheng Mu Zixuan was fourteen years old.
In the early morning of midsummer, in the glazed palace, Zi Xuan’s flowers are lively and quiet, and the fragrance is diffuse.
The princess never leaves any handmaid in her bedroom. Xiaozha sits alone outside the door on the stone steps, leafing through the soup spectrum. He drinks medicine in the secret room and learns how to cook soup.
The door of the chamber of secrets slowly opened and Lin kite came out with Xuan son. Zi Xuan was lying on her shoulder with a face of weakness and bright eyes, and the floor tiles were full of heart.
I’ve been drinking medicine obediently, but I haven’t been well. This year, I quietly followed my mother to learn piano, chess, painting, poetry and songs, and followed Shen Bing to learn medical skills. I often followed my brother to stay with my father for a long time, and I always learned it. After ten days, I became ill. Sometimes she didn’t dare to go out of the glass palace. The palace was full of disasters, and she was secretly grounded by her father. Even my brother often asked her what disasters she had caused.
"How long will it take for my mother to leave the palace?" Lazily in the mother’s arms, I asked vigorously if I didn’t want to lie on the bed.
"Soon, soon, don’t wait for your mother to be in good condition and then take you to lie in Baina." Lin kite is still habitually patting the child in his arms.
"Don’t go to Baina, let’s go to Zhongli!" Zi Xuan hurriedly mouth
"Didn’t you just come back from Zhong Li last year?" Lin kite light asked.
"Mother …" Zi Xuan hesitated for a year, but his uncle was always thinking about the shadow. She stopped him several times to help her get the silvery white dagger back.
Lin kite frowned and realized that something was wrong. Is it a clock? This girl hasn’t asked about Zhong Li since she came back.
Zi Xuan bit her teeth and whispered, "Mother, I secretly told you, don’t tell my father."
"It’s not really like what your brother said, is it?" Lin kite’s lips floated with a nai smile.
Trouble? Even if it is a big disaster, her father can’t clean it up for her. This is the disease. He has been secretly seeking medical treatment for a year after he has still handled his political affairs.
"Back, I sneaked into the clock detached palace …" Zi Xuan glanced at his mother and saw that she didn’t have much reflection. "I left the silvery white dagger there …"
Lin Yuan frowned slightly and said, "Didn’t I see you and your brother playing that dagger the day before yesterday?"
"Fake! I sent someone to buy it secretly." Xuan son honestly admitted that she opened her mother’s arms and pulled out a silvery white dagger on the bed to be exactly the same as the previous one.
It turned out that I was thinking about the dagger. Lin Yuan couldn’t help laughing. "If you lose it, you will lose it. Do you want your ugly uncle to give you another one?"
"No, I want to get it back myself." Xuan immediately blurted out and immediately realized that something was wrong. "That was the first time I met my ugly uncle, but he sent it to me for many years. I can’t say that I lost it. I must get it back!"
"The shadow knows where to throw it, let him find it back." Lin asked with a slight frown, naturally knowing that this dagger is Xuan girl’s baby and it is of great significance to her.
"He doesn’t know. I’m going to find my own mother. When will I recover? Why don’t I lie down first?" Zi Xuan has been coquetry for a year. Han Yu won’t lose that dagger, will he? I wonder if I’m really looking for her.
"Just wait a little longer. Just wait a little longer. You can go wherever you want." Lin Kite is still soft and can’t be coaxed at the age of fourteen.
121 remember in those days
Update the latest chapter of Pro-Queen as soon as possible!
Xuan Hui twenty-nine years Mu Zixuan was fifteen years old.
It’s especially cold this winter.
Two large heaters in Zi Xuan’s bedroom secret room in the glass palace are quietly burning charcoal fire, and one room is warm.
The bed person is pale, his lips are purple, and he snuggles in his mother’s arms. The suffering is over, and now there is only strength left.
"The Lord hurriedly drank this hot soup to warm himself up." Xiao Za carefully brought the soup cup that had just started, and he looked worried that the onset of the Lord had been shortened for several days.
"Mother brother didn’t doubt that idiot haha" Zi Xuan laughed and drank the soup from Xiaozha.
"Xuan son is much more intelligent than he is." Lin Yuan’s eyes are full of love and strength, but he still smiles faintly. If it weren’t for Mu Yixuan’s mind, he couldn’t afford to be suspicious. The child believed his father’s words the most.
"What’s the matter? What’s the trouble outside the palace?" Lin Yuan pulled out a smile and raised her eyebrows. She asked that it was rare to do the play, and she stopped asking about her illness.
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