In fact, poison elder sister suspected that little white brother was an unlucky bear before, but the other party didn’t pick him and kicked him out of the business alliance himself, so it was not good to take the initiative to find him.
Tianyu was waiting for the corner’ color’ of Brother Xiaobai when he suddenly saw the poison coming from the window and quickly opened it.
"Another hundred pieces?" Tianyu typed back.
"Well, the supply should be in place in half an hour."
"Half an hour? So tight? " Tianyu frown replied
"It’s not necessary for others to wait until twelve o’clock to return the goods. I’ll make it easy for multiple lines to be handed over and easy for the game currency to be handed over." Sister Poison explained by typing.
Tianyu saw poison elder sister reply to her heart. "There are hundreds more pieces, which is a lot … but I have to take this amount, but I can’ pay’ just a few accounts, and I can’t’ color’ the two corners of unlucky bear and gorgeous dancer."
"I also want this batch of goods," Tianyu typed.
"Well, then you can open a few more numbers to’ pay’ me."
"Sister Poison, you are the leader of the business alliance. I believe you. Now I don’t have so many angles. I’m sure I will make it easy to buy game coins at 5173. What do you think?"
"Do you trust me so much?" Poison elder sister typing asked
Tang Xiguo sighed at his brain and replied, "Since you trust me so much … will you dare to gamble with me again?"
"Take a gamble? How to gamble? "
"I’ll give you your goods after twelve o’clock."
"No problem" Tianyu replied immediately without thinking.
"…" Tang Xiguo suddenly said, "Brother Xiaobai is the unlucky bear … although my confidence in him has been shaken, he believes me so much."
Then Sister Poison typed to Brother Xiaobai, "I didn’t expect you to trust me so much, so I’ll try my best to do you a favor."
Tianyu looked at the information sent by poison elder sister and pondered for a moment. What should be thought of and answered "Thank you, poison elder sister"
Tang Xiguo wanted to do something more, but he didn’t type it out in the end.
Half an hour later, Tianyu bought more than 1000 pieces of game coins in 5173, and the’ cross-transfer’ accounts were all poison lines.
"A Dai, you receive this batch of goods and little happiness, and Eugene, the goods they receive are open to the public. In addition, it is easy for you to make friends with the bulk merchants. Don’t say" chaos "and don’t even say others in the business alliance."
A Dai is a line cultivated by Sister Poison herself.
Of course, Xiao Kuaile and Eugene also have their own lines. This article has also been said.
"Yeah, but the bulk dealer is over there …"
"This should not worry about loneliness. Although Han Xiao is a casual businessman, at least some fame should not be easily broken."
In this way, Brother Xiaobai, the poison elder sister, stole the game currency from the sea and recovered it from the bulk dealer. The double cloth and armor are on his own line.
Picture pullback
Tianyu continued to look at his chat record with poison elder sister.
"Unlucky bear, although you may not be the brightest one in the sky, sooner or later you will become the Polaris as you say," typed Sister Poison.
Tianyu one leng immediately typed back "poison elder sister you flatter me"
"No unlucky bear, I believe you, you will succeed in the future, and this time you may become famous by working so hard to transport these two pieces of equipment."
"I’m worried about Pluto now," Tianyu typed frankly.
"I said I would help you. Since you believe me so much, how can I fail you? Pluto there I will try my best to lead him to sell his library. "
"This ….." Poison elder sister said that if you can get rid of Pluto’s library in Tianyu’s heart, you really have no worries.
"Maybe heaven and man are responsible for me, but you are not!" Poison elder sister thought of the status quo of the consortium and vaguely sensed the problem, so she typed
"Thank you, Poison Sister, you are the real hero!"
Then the chat record is more than an hour after Liu Shen Tianyu chats.
However, Tianyu didn’t trap Liu Shen in unkindness. He didn’t give a screenshot of their conversation to poison elder sister, and told poison elder sister that Pluto had 200 pieces of goods in his hand.
After listening to this, Sister Poison was so frightened that she lost her color that she sighed, "The road is one foot high and the magic is one foot high. Pluto is really a formidable enemy!"
"Since there are 200 pieces, it is estimated that it will be easy. Pluto likes to hold watermelons and throw sesame seeds. These 200 pieces are like sesame mung beans, and he is so ambitious that I will show weakness and lead him to sell them. It would be better if you can pick and ask him for goods."
"I have chosen" Tianyu immediately typed.
Tianyu then retelled his Pluto chat to poison elder sister again.
"Well done! The unlucky bear must score three points in a business in Zhejiang today! " Poison elder sister generous’ shock’ Leon typing way
What Sister Poison said is true. Today, "Heaven" is about to be divided into three points, but "Heaven" will be divided for a long time and will be divided for a long time.
Life is made up of several accidents and accidents. At this time, Sister Poison has vaguely thought about a gamble.
This game determines the life of Sister Poison.
Chapter 89 Poison elder sister Sanqi Pluto
"I don’t know who this’ little white brother’ is, but the poison elder sister handed over all the ice robes and moaning grass vests to him." Lonely Han Xiao sighed silently in her heart.
Before Han Xiao, almost all the cloth and clothing in the hands of bulk merchants were recovered. Because of the situation, Pluto and the business alliance are dead, and fall in price will not blame it. It may fall back to the original price. It is better to sell it while the price is still acceptable.
It was Han Xiao who didn’t expect Pluto’s goods to be thrown out at this time
"Pluto is famous for its reputation, and all the goods in its hand should be sold to the man named’ Little White Brother’ so that the equipment price …" Lonely Han Xiao thought for a moment.
"It’s easy for unlucky bears to make friends."
"unlucky bear?" Pluto frowned at the brain way
Tianyu and poison elder sister QQ’ private’ chat "poison elder sister …"
"Pluto and you are incompatible. I’ll take this opportunity to help you prove it." Poison elder sister quickly replied.
Tianyu’s previous idea has always been to avoid the poison of big businessmen. With such a roar, my reputation is big, but there should be more enemies.
But things have come to this point, Tianyu should also.
"Pluto! I lost this time, but you didn’t win either. The last winner was the unfortunate bear who was kicked out of the business alliance! " Poison elder sister trumpet shouted.
Pluto looked at the monitor for a long time and shouted at the brain, "I’ fuck’ his sister! It was put together by this’ unlucky bear’ again! "
"Poison sister, you cow 13!" Pluto roared with anger, brushed his horn and shouted
"From our timely soul spar incident, you turned against each other, and this time, it was like a battle in Chibi. Pluto admitted it. There are three wars and three defeats, and talented people have a bad bear. In the future, there will be a place in the first district of Zhejiang." Sister Poison’s horn is divided into several brushes
"Stars give birth to bears …" Lonely Han Xiao thought that from the unlucky bear born to the now famous and poisoned elder sister, these speakers clamored and suddenly opened the backpack and brushed a horn, so he typed.
"…" This point is still in the silence of players in the game.
Pluto was choking with tears when he saw this sentence, but there were still hundreds of thousands of miles to go before he could die.
"Poison all unlucky bear even if you beat me in Zhejiang area? My income in other areas is not the same as that in this area, "screamed Pluto’s horn."
"Sorry, the Netcom area is almost monopolized by my people." Sister Poison calmly brushed the horn.
Erxiu watched poison elder sister and Pluto brush their horns and typed qq and Tianyu, saying, "Silly bear, it seems that we have made a fortune instead."
"Little white brother, I suddenly have a hundred libraries here. Can you swallow them?" Poison elder sister point to open the small white elder brother’ private’ chat window and try to type.
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