Cold hum with soil instantly started to blur the body and avoided the Chiba spiral pill.
He has suffered from spirochetes.
In the Kyubi no Youko incident a few years ago, he fought with his teacher for four generations in Namikaze Minato, and as a result, he was cut and beaten by his teacher and lost an arm price.
If Watergate hadn’t missed his wife and children, he might have been left behind with dirt.
The sense of instantaneous weightlessness was hasty and suddenly surprised Chiba. When Ling Fei went out, Chiba’s eyes moved around quickly to bring the surrounding situation into her eyes.
About 200 meters to the left, a brother’s shark face is a pair of stitched strange shapes at 300 meters to the right of Hoshigaki Kisame, and there are four masked black tentacles beside him. Needless to say, it must be the corner capital.
There are only three people? !
In fairy mode, Chiba instantly sensed two malicious chakra and two malicious chakra mixed together.
Fairy mode can greatly improve Chiba’s perception, and all the natural energy around it belongs to Chiba.
The perceived ninja in the misty village can’t perceive black and white, and it is also instantly sensed by Chiba.
Black and white? !
These two peeping tom Chiba hearts chuckle without rest assured. If intrigue and intrigue are involved, black is absolutely a master who can fool uchiha madara, Tui, Nagato and Yakushi Kabuto for the strong, and there is no lack of ingenuity. Naturally, everyone has his advantages.
But in terms of combat power, a patient can deal with him.
Two quasi-shadow strength Xiao organizes the strong. If Hoshigaki Kisame breaks out, it will not be in the shadow strength.
Chiba’s head is spinning fast to believe that Terumi Mei’s ability to face up to the earth will be forced to leave here or wave chakra to separate the shadows to pin down the two Xiao members?
If it is divided into two parts, chakra will be at a disadvantage before the war against being able to have columnar cells and be good at continuous warfare.
This is not a good choice, but Terumi Mei’s ability to believe it has certain risks.
Do you believe in yourself or the ninja in Wuyin Village, Terumi Mei?
This almost instantaneous judgment is hesitation.
Then I am familiar with chakra fluctuations coming from the right.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see that there are trees with soil covered with spikes, and the branches grow wildly and pounce on several misty ninjas in that area, including Terumi Mei.
It was this momentary glimpse of Chiba that made a decision, and that was to believe in Terumi Mei.
If it weren’t for Shenwei’s patience, Terumi Mei wouldn’t be difficult to deal with recently, and this is the guarantee of Shui Ying’s name in five generations.
Chiba looked motionless. Yagura once learned from Terumi Mei that the action was limited by the five elements seal with soil. He stayed there.
That’s not a simple five-element seal with soil. With the addition of column cell sealing, the binding ability is greatly improved
Even if Yagura is four generations old and Shui Ying’s strength is superior, he will be able to break free for a while
Others have no spare time to help him out.
"Psychic, dirt reincarnation, Sandaime Kazekage!"
A yellow-black coffin plate slowly appeared from the ground.
Eyes sallow Sandaime Kazekage came out.
"Sandaime Kazekage Pavilion helped me to contain two members of Xiao Organization. Thank you!"
Chiba shouted a low step and immediately rushed to the soil.
Sandaime Kazekage looked around for a week and finally put his eyes on Hoshigaki Kisame and Jiao Du, dressed in a robe with a red cloud and a black background.
He is not familiar with all the corners, but he has seen the coup in the village of Wuyin, Hoshigaki Kisame.
And bring soil is also handed over to Chiba without his hand.
In fact, he doesn’t want to shoot at the strongest wind shadow in the past. He can’t stand a konoha and go out. Even if he dies, he doesn’t want to see his reputation damaged.
"Fengyingge, our water country has formed an alliance with fire nation, and I hope that the pavilion can help!"
Aside Terumi Mei is jiao shouted.
At this time, lesbians must have a lot to gain and a lot to lose.
Sandaime Kazekage was noncommittal, but Xiao Organization was definitely his sworn enemy, which was beyond doubt, so he jumped at Hoshigaki Kisame.
Quick printing in your hand, magnetic escape and endurance, handy.
Chiba’s figure is also disappearing in an instant.
"positive? Or …? "
With soil expression a clot.
In the distance, Loquat Ten Zang and others saw this scene and fell into dementia.
Originally, their side of Wuyin Village was held up by Xiao’s three people, and there was almost no strike back.
And Chiba suddenly appeared in the battlefield, which didn’t surprise them. What really shocked them was that Chiba appeared and almost suppressed Xiao’s three people with one manpower.
You know, just now, they are still in despair, because the enemy’s strength is too strong, almost three shadow-level strong, and their side only has Terumi Mei, a shadow-level strong.
Even if Terumi Mei came out at the head of the previous generation, Shui Ying and Yagura were instantly controlled by the enemy.
The faces of Loquat Ten Zangs and others are full of disbelief, shocked and murmured, Is this human strength? !
The three enemies are better than all the people in their misty village; And Chiba’s strength is stronger than Xiao’s organization of enemies.
So the place is foggy, and the ninjas in the village are all one-man opponents in Chiba.
How long has it been? !
Chiba’s strength is so strong
It’s heads!
Chiba figure emerged from the air and cut it off with a knife.
With soil eyes open hastily raised his weapon to live.
Qiang Qiang!
Strong winds are everywhere
The weapons of Chiba both sides touched and kicked at the abdomen with soil at the same time.
Due to the rush to take over and the fast speed of Chiba, it is a foot kick to guard against it.
In the muffled sound, the earth-covered body bends, and the hands and feet are straight, flying backwards like shells, and the speed of breaking a big tree in the middle is not reduced at all, which shows that this foot is full of strength.
This time, taking the soil did not make Shenwei’s body hard to meet Chiba’s strength.
But this foot made him eat pain.
How strong!
Struggling to get up with soil and gasped.
"Dissolve the mystery!"
Terumi Mei no longer took time to note that Chiba spewed a highly corrosive mucus from his mouth, and a mask monster suddenly melted it.
Chapter two hundred and forty-six Pull the front line
This is Terumi Mei’s solution, which is sticky, corrosive and terrible, and can solidify hard solids.
As soon as Jiaodu noticed Terumi Mei’s move that he consumed chakra’s secret skills and hatred, although the main purpose was to contain the fog and forbear, he also planned to kill one or two fogs and forbear.
After all, this recruit five attributes chakra Ninjutsu lethality although big key in the attribute phase grams.
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