The fifth volume Stardust Messenger
Chapter three hundred and ninety-six Deep visitors
A huge ship is slowly moving forward in the vast space, and its light meter is constantly flashing regularly. It is in autopilot mode at the moment, and the hull armor is slightly dark, indicating that it must have crossed a long distance to get here.
There is a bright star in front of it. Although it is tens of billions of kilometers away at the moment, the star still looks dazzling and magnificent.
Hundreds of millions of kilometers away from this ship, there is also a ship with a humanistic architectural style. The difference is that this ship is a ring, a huge ring and a huge cabin in the center form its hull, and its orbit is also an orbit, which shows that it has been orbiting the distant star, unlike that ship, which never came here from a distant place.
At the moment, a worker is quietly looking at the distant star in the central cabin of the ring. Another worker floated over and patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Are you in a daze again?"
The worker recovered from meditation and replied, "Yes, if we don’t watch more conversations now, I’m afraid we won’t have a chance."
Another worker’s face was a little more disdainful. "What’s so beautiful about Phoenix Star? No matter how beautiful it is, it can’t compare with our sun, and if it goes well, we can return to the sun again after a short hibernation. "
The worker laughed. "After all, we have been born here for more than 300 years, and there will always be some feelings when we grow up."
"I’m fed up with it here," said another worker, full of distress. "If you ask me, Fuehrer’s roots should not be trimmed here, but should set off and return to the sun immediately after receiving the gravitational wave broadcast. Without the threat of the robot army, even if anything happens on the road, the road can be solved."
"It’s still necessary to make some repairs here," said the worker. "Our resources have been exhausted after thousands of years of escape, and there have been many damages to the spacecraft in the fleet. If we don’t make some repairs, I’m afraid there will be many more risks on our way back-we will go back sooner or later anyway and we will be in a hurry?"
Another worker said angrily, "If we had known that Mr. Xiaoyun could find a way to catch all the robots, we would have fled to this remote and desolate place again?"
"Things in this world will always be beyond many people’s expectations. How can we know that the final victory is our humanity when we make a decision to escape? It’s a good result. We shouldn’t expect too much. We still have a chance to return to our homes, but people who died in the disaster never have this chance again. "
When the topic progressed here, the atmosphere became slightly heavy. After a short silence, the worker said, "Is the situation normal recently? How many ships have passed by? "
The tone of the worker involved in the work was also serious. "In the last month, a total of 17 interstellar transport ships passed by here and we assigned specific channels and ports to smoothly enter the star spacecraft. The situation of the workers is all normal, and the resources are all normal."
"It’s good to be normal," the worker breathed a sigh of relief. "The fleet dresser has entered the tail. It is expected that the number of spacecraft returning from aliens will be less and less in the coming period, but we must never slack off. We will stick to our posts for one day without receiving the return order."
"Don’t worry …" The engineer said with a smile, but before the words were finished, a neutral tone synthesized by machinery entered the ears of the two people. "Our wide-area survey system of the No.3654 incident detected that a heavy transport ship was approaching. Please ask the technician to contact the other party immediately and inform the other party to enter the star channel speed distribution port. If necessary, please help the other party as much as possible."
Hearing this message, the two men looked at each other and laughed. "Let’s go and have work to do again."
Two workers left the central cabin and came to the communication room. A moment later, a message entered the vast expanse of space. "Hello, this is the No.71 extra-satellite contact inspection base. Please tell us your specific number. We will assign you to the channel port and need to make a preliminary inspection of your ship. You can only enter the star department after obtaining the’ entry permit’ issued by us. Please answer thank you."
At the moment, the ship is still about 90 million kilometers away from here, which means that the two-way communication delay is as high as ten minutes, so the workers waited quietly for ten minutes, but after ten minutes, the ship did not reply to the message.
The worker called again, and as before, no reply message came.
Two people glances from each other’s eyes to see a dignified.
This kind of situation is very rare. Generally speaking, all spacecraft will first receive permission from the contact inspection base before entering the star. This is already a necessary procedure for star navigation, and no one will ignore this point.
"The current speed of this ship is 10,000 kilometers per second, and it is expected to reach the nearest point of our base in two hours, when the distance will be shortened by 10 million kilometers," said the worker next to it.
The first worker pondered for a moment and said decisively, "Get ready for action. Let’s go to the spaceship and have a look."
As he spoke, he rang the alarm bell, and many workers gathered here from the remaining cabin very quickly.
"One ship didn’t respond to our call," he said very quickly. "Now we’re going to that ship for on-the-spot inspection. Special action team, you and I will take the fast-track ship and pay attention to the personal life-support equipment with weapons. The rest of us will report the situation here immediately and keep calling the ship. Report to me immediately if anything happens."
"Yes!" Everyone agreed together and then quickly dispersed. Only five minutes later, a small spaceship left the base and quickly disappeared into the vast expanse of space.
About two hours later, the small ship has arrived near the heavy transport ship. Just looking at the first one, the worker frowned. "Actually, it’s in autopilot mode? Haven’t the astronauts in this spaceship been trained? "
"This is the heavy transport ship Yuyun. Ten years ago, they set off for the No.2 Samsung to collect rare minerals, and then they were disconnected from the main base. They were scheduled to return three months ago," a worker said quickly.
Human beings have long been able to communicate with the stars at superluminal speed, but now it is a special period, and the superluminal communication instruments are too huge and precious. For the sake of economy, most of the spaceships going out to perform on the satellites will not be equipped with superluminal communication instruments, which means that once these spaceships go out, they will disconnect the main base of the fleet.
"We have made a total of 691 calls to the spacecraft, and so far we have not received a response from the other party."
The first worker frowned deeply and thought for a moment. He decisively reached the order, "Get close to the other ship and wear personal life support equipment. Let’s go to the spacecraft department to have a look."
A small fast-moving ship was slowly attached to the outer armor of this heavy transport ship, and several astronauts in space were pushed to the door of this heavy transport cabin by personal pushing equipment.
The cabin door of the spacecraft was originally not allowed to be opened from the outside, but these prosecutors had the highest operating limit for the spacecraft. These modules were embedded in the program department and reserved the phase communication interface when the spacecraft was manufactured. After the first worker entered the phase instruction, the cabin door was slowly opened.
Several workers quickly entered the middle and rear outer doors, closed them and filled them with gas, and then the doors slowly opened.
Before the hatch hits, several special warfare players have entered the state of combat readiness. The energy weapon has already been stored and pointed forward. Once there is an abnormal situation, the energy gun will fire immediately.
After the heavy hatch slowly lifts the door, the world slowly presents the head of the special warfare team. At this moment, everyone’s pupils are tightened at the same time, which is more than that of a well-trained special warfare team. Because of shock, they also dropped their energy guns.
"This ….. this is how to return a responsibility? What did they meet? Oh my god … "
"This is hell? What’s this? What? ……”
….. "Xiaoyun, where the hell have you been?"
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