The captain directly got up and looked around for Yip Han.
A lifeboat approached the boat and a man asked, "Is everyone all right?"
"Nothing!" The captain answered quickly.
It’s too dark. The captain can’t see at all. Yip Han can vaguely see a lifeboat approaching.
"Nothing is good," said Yip Han, clapping his hands here and saying, "Pay attention to your work!"
The team members were ordered to jump from the lifeboat. One person was in charge of a lifeboat. After holding the tail of the lifeboat, the propeller was started, and the speed of the lifeboat immediately increased by a large margin.
Everyone from the captain to the sailor is envious. This armor is simply omnipotent!
Lifeboat secret service team members pushed the rapid approach to the command center of Ye Han Funing in Funing period, and confirmed that the direction of the northern swarm in Funing was safe at present.
Ye Han Funing Command Center agreed that the survival boat would dock in the southeast of Funing, and informed the guards to avoid accidental injury when it requested Funing.
After the lifeboat group continued to approach for only more than ten minutes, the flashing eyes suddenly appeared frequently in Funing North, and people knew at a glance that it was the light produced by the explosion.
It didn’t take long for the faint explosion to get into everyone’s ears, and the explosion soon spread from Funing north to south.
Everyone speculated that what was going on in Funing North. At this time, Yip hon received a notification from Funing Command Center.
The report said that the swarm had attacked Funing in the fourth turn, and the first three attacks were all land attacks in the north of the city. This time, not only the swarm was found in the north of the city, but also the alien landing craft was found.
At present, the coastal defense forces are organizing to intercept Funing, and the southeast has become a battlefield, but the initiative is still under the control of the defenders.
At last, the bulletin requires the lifeboat group to continue to go south around the swarm landing site and crash into the swarm.
After receiving the news, everyone’s expression changed, and they were worried, uneasy and uneasy, and all kinds of negative emotions were available.
Many sailors have the same question in their hearts. Can lifeboat groups land safely?
Yip hon hesitated for a moment to find the captain and asked, "If we leave, can you go around the battlefield?"
The captain was stunned but quickly answered firmly, "Yes!"
He doesn’t know what yip hon wants to do, but this time it’s definitely related to Funing.
Ye Han said, "Well, please remember to go further!"
"Don’t worry, I’m white!" The captain said
Ye Hanyang said, "Mind you, Luo Qi will lead your group to escort friendly troops and others to come with me!"
"Chief!" The captain immediately stopped Yip Han. "We have hands and feet, and there is no shortage of boats, so we won’t leave anyone to escort us … One more person, one more force, and the battlefield needs you more!"
The captain is well aware of the danger in Funing. Nowadays, there are a small number of light weapons in lifeboats. If they encounter enemy warships, the only scene is death.
But what does it matter if the secret service team stays? Can power armor fight against alien warships?
The answer is obvious.
Chapter 172 Main attack direction
If the mobile infantry is the sharpest knife in Beidu’s hand, then the secret service team suspects that the tip of this knife is invincible.
But they are the sharpest blades, but they are not the strongest shields. Leaving the secret service members behind can really protect the sailors, but the secret service team leader is in strong firepower and strong mobility. If he is tied to the sailors, it will be equivalent to breaking one leg of the secret service team, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.
Leaving the secret service behind is to persist for a while and wave valuable combat power. It is better to put all the forces into the main battlefield here.
The captain was well aware of this and refused Yip Han’s kindness very decisively.
Doesn’t he know that it’s more dangerous to have no secret service to protect sailors?
Of course he knows, but he is not a civilian, but a soldier and an officer. He must consider the gains and losses from the perspective of the whole war situation rather than his own safety.
Yip hon’s chest seemed to be blocked by something. He took a deep look at the captain. "Take care … come with me!" Then turned around and dived into the water.
The captain couldn’t see the figure of Yip Han clearly, but he immediately raised his hand to salute when he heard the sound of entering the water.
The secret service team members left the lifeboat one by one, and the speed slowed down immediately. The sailors on the boat inevitably had a commotion
The captain took a deep breath. "Are you afraid? Tell me are you afraid? "
The sailors gradually became quiet and turned their eyes to the direction of the sound even if they could not see the captain.
The captain didn’t get an answer, but he didn’t expect a response when he came. "I don’t know if you’re afraid, but I’m really afraid of death. I’m even more afraid of falling into the hands of aliens."
Speaking of which, he breathed a sigh of relief. "It’s all mom’s raw meat that can’t grow strong. I said I’m not afraid, but I want to ask you, aren’t the secret service team afraid?" We can still walk around, but what about them? Are they going to the battlefield to tell you whether we are dangerous or the secret service team is more dangerous? "
All the sailors were silent when this sentence was asked.
Yes, it is possible for them to meet the enemy, but the secret service team is simply going to the battlefield. They are bound to meet the enemy!
Although not all sailors know what the secret service team is all about, they have no common sense and know how dangerous the battlefield is
Don’t say that no matter how advanced the power armor is, the power armor is also a thin sheet of iron, which can block the bullet. If it is hit by a shell, even a small caliber shell can kill the secret service team.
Aliens don’t have cannons, but they have fine light. This thing can even penetrate the power armor of warships. What is the thickness?
The captain looked up at the fierce fire of Funing in the war, and his eyes jumped and flashed.
After the secret service team entered the water, the propeller started to move towards Funing at the first moment.
The water is darker than the water surface, and even the night vision device doesn’t have much field of vision. Soldiers can rely on it to detect the situation ahead. Because the shape of the power armor doesn’t conform to fluid mechanics, the forward resistance is very great, even if the highest speed is not fast.
Okay, the starting position of the secret service team is not far from the coast. At the current speed, it will take more than ten minutes to reach the shore.
At this time, the secret service survival boat came from behind and caused a commotion among the sailors.
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