Hill was kicked up by the thunder elephant, and his mouth was full of blood. "Dare to play with me?"
"I didn’t!"
Hill spit out a mouthful of blood foam. "I really don’t know, but I can look it up from my communicator communication channel!" "
Hill twisted and pointed to the chain that locked him. "You need to understand me before I can help you find it!"
Carter suddenly interrupted and struggled to roar "Are you crazy? They are enemies, invaders and aliens. How can you … "
Ray, like a malicious kick, directly kicked off Carter’s half-teeth, and blood poured out and directly made Carter lose his voice.
That is to say, the original reproductive spirit is of high value, not only high value, but every high-quality original reproductive spirit clan represents the meritorious military service.
Otherwise Carter would have died!
"Then find it!"
With a wave of his hand, Ray directly withdrew the chain that bound Hill. It seems that Hill has no chance before him even if he wants to tamper with it!
Xie Hill moved a body and suddenly reached into his arms by operating personal communication equipment, and directly clutched the remaining three cards in his arms into a handful and threw them at Lei Xiang.
The thunder flashed from Hill’s head in a blink of an eye.
But the virtual shadows of the three javelins were shot at the thunder elephant by their appearance!
It’s hard to see the shape of the thunder elephant’s face at this moment
This kind of seal card with the ability to make source crystals by the quasi-star-strong people has the destructive power of gene transmutation.
One does not pose much threat to him.
Two can hurt him.
Three could kill him!
"Looking for death!"
The thunder elephant suddenly gushed out a layer of thunder shield in front of him, but this layer of thunder shield was instantly blasted by a javelin shadow. However, with this gap, a strange animal-shaped pendant on the chest of the thunder elephant suddenly gushed out a lot of thunder light to protect the front of the thunder elephant.
But ray elephant didn’t notice that Carter, who had just stepped off half his mouth, struggled to turn over and shouted at Hill, who was convulsed by Lei Guang.
How pleasant it is!
"Old Teyao is a noble, how can he be captured!"
Roaring a spirit of the earth rises instantaneously and is bound by the thunder chain. Carter’s arms suddenly explode with blazing khaki brilliance.
Carter jumped up and crashed into the thunder elephant!
Detonation sounded one after another Lei Guang, khaki color light energy field force exploded into a piece at the same time, there was blood rain!
Carter’s direct spirit detonated his life-saving two cards!
Blood and rain fell, thunder elephant was bathed in blood, most of which was Carter’s blood, but thunder elephant had a fist and a big hole in his abdomen.
Carter’s explosive impact plus Hill’s three javelin virtual shadow bombardment of the thunder elephant failed to stop and was hit hard on the spot!
The alien tribe Bu Zheng rushed over for the first time. "My Lord, I will help you treat it!"
Ray like pursed his lips and nodded slightly, but hey hey sneer. "It’s really a surprise that someone on this planet can hurt me …"
In the sneer, Lei Xiang jerked up to more than two meters in front of him, and when he stepped out, he wanted to step on Hill’s head.
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