Xiao Bai said with wide wings and dived straight!
And Fang also came soon, and the lizard yelled and screamed!
Lin Yue also directly started the instantaneous flight from the cave passage to the altar!
After collecting a platinum treasure chest, twelve gold treasure chests and four silver treasure chests at one time, he looked down and saw that Xiaobai had risen!
Sharp wing blades and tail blades are cut with huge claws slapping and scratching lizards, and people are easily chopped up like paper.
And the ground was quickly covered with lizard bodies!
Lin Yue looked back at the altar.
Face this time is nothing.
It’s a bit of a loss that the gem didn’t get a piece.
"Small white this played the main I will concentrate on the auxiliary" Lin Yue said set up a sniper rifle will look like a small captain lizard people being killed from various places!
Xiaobai kept circling around the huge stone statue, cutting out the lizard people. At the same time, Lin Yue also killed those lizard people who were preparing to attack Xiaobai from high places. However, Lin Yue did not expect that the lizard people in this almost one-sided battle did not retreat, but more and more people were added.
"It’s a little strange … what?" Lin Yue flew the proceeds from the hot sniper rifle to a higher place in the middle school.
He carefully observed the lizard people who emerged from the holes in the rock wall. Those individuals who were lucky not to be harvested by Xiaobai suddenly found that they had been moving towards the feet of huge stone statues!
Lin Yue jumped, and Xiaobai noticed that after Lin Yue came, he also avoided him. After chopping up seven lizard people, he saw that his master landed smoothly, and he flew to the middle school again and swooped from time to time.
Lin Yue came to the colossus feet only to find that there were several dead lizard people on that small platform, holding up a wooden box that was not too big layer by layer.
Stretched out his hand and dragged these lizard bodies. Lin Yue smashed the wooden box and found the hidden objects inside!
"This is … golden green opal? Boy, is it so big? "
Lin Yue couldn’t help sighing when he found the gem again. It was really shocking that this spherical golden emerald with the size of cantaloupe was in his hand.
Opal is often said to be "golden emerald with cat’s eye effect", which is also a rare kind of pomelo in jewelry.
The color-changing opal is more precious than the color-changing opal in your hand!
Lin Yue remembers that this opal is the rarest and most precious of the emeralds, and it is very expensive. It is hard to see a carat, not to mention this big guy who talks about "Jin".
He carefully observed the gem in his hand and found that the opal showed the phenomenon of light, and the cat’s eyes were as flexible and bright as they could change with the intensity of light, which was quite beautiful
However, this is also an optical effect called "cat’s eye effect"
Lin Yue is also white at the moment. Those who are dead are all worried about this wooden box. So many lizard people are still thinking about it.
"This is … the first one?"
Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, fluorite amethyst Opal added this opal, which happened to be the first one.
Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, fluorite, these are the things that he found from the deepest sites of various sites. Amethyst was obtained from this altar for the first time, while Opal was found by Feiyue.
Lin Yue looked for this spherical opal, and sure enough, he saw a missing trace in a corner.
This is the evidence that the wolf-head people knocked from these big gem faces when they made the wolf-head ring.
"It seems that it is right. No wonder those lizard people are going to rush here even if they are desperate."
Lin Yue will it income hundreds of blunt come over screaming lizard man picked up the spray.
"If you want to scream, shout louder."
Spraying generate’s powerful force instantly tore dozens of lizard people’s bodies, and then Lin Yue’s continuous gun sounded and they also melted into pieces!
Leave them in the bronze chest, put them away, searched Lin Yue’s body, and finally found the priest who broke into patties and the golden chest he left behind.
"Master is dizzy, I don’t want to go around in circles." Xiaobai seems to have been quite tired after landing around Lin Yue at this time.
Besides, circling around the stone statue all the time also makes it dizzy
"Let’s go and finish Xiaobai. I’ll give you full marks this time."
Lin Yuefei flew half and Xiaobai followed him back to the altar in the mouth of the stone statue.
It’s a long way from here to those lizard people who are still crazy.
"I don’t need a perfect score, but I want to eat a big steak with a lion’s head and a bear." Xiaobai claimed credit.
"How can one piece be enough to give you two pieces?" Lin Yue flew back with Xiao Bai and took out a bucket of gasoline and threw it directly!
Go with us and Xiao Bai throws a burning torch!
Xiaobai was suddenly thrown away by Lin Yue, and behind him came a deafening explosion!
"Master, I will kill as many enemies as I can, but master, you have to play it by ear."
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