"I’ll come"
Shui Yi-rou came to Taiwan with an ice bow standing behind her. Her face was cold, and even if she lowered the other side by a small step, she was not timid.
"Yo, don’t you have men? Do you hide behind women?" The foreigner said their language and asked another Taiwan translator to translate it. All Yunxi high school students looked ugly.
"You don’t need them to deal with you. If you can’t beat me as a woman, it can be said that there is no one in your side, a big man can’t even beat a woman."
Shui Yi-rou’s perfect counterattack not only saved his own dignity, but also severely slapped the opposite side, which was called a cool one.
The foreigner’s fists burst into flames before the referee said the game and punched Shui Yirou.
"It’s despicable. It’s despicable to sneak up on people like this."
Taiwan students scoffed and said that the foreigner was not.
"Sneak attack? No one will give you a chance to prepare for the battlefield. "It is also the first thing for foreigners to refute."
Good water has been mixed with Gongsunqi until it is ready at any time. At this time, water has raised the ice bow behind him and pulled the bow. His expression is so calm that he is not caught off guard by the sudden attack of the other party.
The other party is going to be close to the instantaneous water, and it is soft and loose, and the bowstring is full of cold ways.
"Spiral arrows-Bingqin"
The arrows condensed by ice magic shot out at a high speed, and the arrows flew in a track to draw an ice layer. With the ice layer spiral arrows, the gringo fire fist collided, which was a fire-ice collision.
The spiral arrow is divided into several ice blades, which are like scattered ice crystal petals. The sunlight is so bright and moving, but this beautiful ice blade is fatal.
The ice blade whirled rapidly across the foreigner’s body, leaving a series of wounds. The wounds were very shallow. Obviously, Shuiyi showed mercy to the foreigner, and he knew that this was Shuiyi’s soft hand. It was very crisp and neat. "I lost."
This finally saved the game, but what should we do in the future? There are 20 of them left with 19. Are they strong or weak? Let Shui Yirou fight 19 by himself? Stop joking.
After the foreigner went, a black girl came. This black girl was boldly exposed and wore tights. The most terrible thing was that the tights were looming and you could see the scenery.
Half-dressed in a pair of trousers and a pair of black lace trousers, the boy’s blood boiled.
In the audience, Gong Sunqi noticed her feet, which were wearing very strange shoes, and that pair of shoes attracted Gong Sunqi’s attention.
"You guys are just like this." Yao Ziling noticed that GongSunQi stared at each other and felt sour.
Gong Sunqi asked, "What weapons are those shoes?"
"shoes? !” Yao Ziling didn’t notice that pair of humble shoes until Gong Sunqi said so.
That’s a pair of dazzling crystal glass shoes. I don’t know if the surface is made of diamond or glass, but I don’t know if it’s decorated.
This voice just fell on the opposite side, and the black girl ran up. The ring ran up and ran around the water, and the water was soft and attacked. The arrow was the method to hit her.
"It means a good speed to make the archer aim at losing the aim. After many shooting failures, the archer at this age will definitely have anxiety. Once he is anxious, he will fail." Gong Sunqi hit the nail on the head.
"But when she touches the water, she remembers the softness." Gong Sunqi is very white and remembers what softness is like. If you don’t move the ice for ten thousand years, you can increase your firepower if you want to make the ice turbulent and melt it. If you let the iceberg melt, it will be difficult to estimate.
Shui Yi-rou doesn’t want to get close to her when she sees the other person running all the time. Simply close her eyes, but she won’t be upset. By the way, she can be United.
Seeing that Shuiyirou closed her eyes, the black sister gave up. At this time, she turned around and attacked Shuiyirou.
At this moment, Shuiyirou suddenly opened his eyes and emitted air conditioning to quickly pull up the bowstring "ice and double arrows"
Shoot several arrows in a row, one arrow superimposed on the other, and the speed was so fast that the black girl didn’t respond and the arrows stuck in her hands.
"I lost." Black sister also readily conceded defeat. She believed that at that time, if Shui Yirou really wanted to kill her, she would be shot through the heart if she couldn’t respond.
Shui Yi Rou won two games in a row. The morale of Yunxi High School was completely ignited. Gong Sunqi knew that this was the limit of Shui Yi Rou. The continuous release of land-level skills for two times was a huge consumption of magic. In addition, in the second round, a lot of magic was made to make arrows. Shui Yi Rou Gen insisted on the third game.
"The water is soft enough. Come on, give it to me." Gong Sunqi took the initiative to stop the work and carry it with the water. Facing the remaining foreigners, Gong Sunqi said rudely, "I’m interested in the royal rope sword. Let him compete. He is a spicy chicken."
Chapter 157 Wash your opponent
"I said it was spicy chicken, but I still don’t believe it. Isn’t it looking for abuse?"
Gong Sunqi sat on his butt and patted his face. Perhaps it was because Fred Gong Sunqi showed no mercy to them. His butt strong man was his result, and he was the third foreigner, and he did not hesitate to beat them for several days before they recovered.
Gong Sunqi kicked the strong man to the flying place and raised his hand to the remaining foreigners. Suddenly, he gave a thumbs-up in the direction and sneered, "How many of you didn’t come to me? Just you and I didn’t even see the qualification for my sparring partner. Let the royal rope sword quickly roll to me. Gong Sunqi is waiting for him here."
Many students want to teach him a lesson, but he is not strong enough to go, that is, he dares to be angry and dare not speak, even more so.
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