See the strategy of hesitation, three elders sound colder tone decisively tunnel "come on, my brother Jian Zongdi is too comfortable in the hot sun. Today, no matter how big the sin is, you are the first to come out and use the sword array to fight more and fight less, but you are still alive and sixteen people can still form the sword array. If you can’t kill this person, you will all return to the fierce Yang Cliff for ten years. If you kill this person, it will be counted, but if you die here, it will be considered robbery."
After what he said, you all felt cold in the hot sun, and then looked at the land and eyes, and it broke out into a terrible murder!
"Give me back-also-"
Lu Li-Lian’s proud blow didn’t die. He struggled to see colorful light coming from all over his body, and at the same time, he reversed the heart sutra and tried to repair his wounds. Kuiling Powder has spread to the brain of Lu Li.
His body struggled and muttered in his mouth, and his voice was distorted because of the curse and the injury
"shoot!" This time, instead of being urged by the Three Elders, Yan Feng was the first to rush!
Accompanied by a big drink, the sword in the hand of Jian Zongdi in the scorching sun is also spinning at the same time. This battle is to kill the land from the first world war, and at the same time, it is also his shame to kill the land from them, so as to calm the resentment in his heart, and the land from them will be humiliated!
The dazzling crimson sword awn looms with the sunrise light. This is a kind of reflection of the Qi Qi course of all people when practicing the sword tactic in the scorching sun and leaving Japan. The sword meaning course suddenly turns into more than ten flames, and the dragon hovers in front of it, and immediately leaves for the land.
The shooter didn’t have their scattered people, but also set off at this moment. He was refining the gas and repairing the flying sword, and the strong qi condensed into a swirling flow of qi, which directly patted the head of Lu Li. He wanted to directly kill Lu Li Yuan God to end this fight.
Magic Haifeng sword Sect in the scorching sun is more complicated, but seeing this blue sky scattered people to the three elders is also a cold hum without stopping.
He didn’t say those words until he was furious. In fact, if the sword Sect of the scorching sun is fixed, it will be more sad than if people die again.
However, just because my brother has already died, he chose to let go. If these brothers are sheltered forever, even if they all become immortals in the future, the monks will even die if they meet an equal opponent in the middle and late stages.
After entering the WTO, I experienced all kinds of disasters and hardships, and realized that the doom in the world of mortals is also a journey of cultivating immortals. Before that, the three elders also believed that all swords should be cultivated, and today they realized that they were wrong.
"Give me my tripod!"
The vitality seemed to be in the extreme, and suddenly it was a sudden binge drinking. He was dressed in a white suit and burst into pieces. The gleaming brilliance on his chest was not him, but the red shadow sword!
But at this time, the red shadow sword has been broken in two pieces, and the wild dragon is also dead with a proud blow.
The fracture of Chiying Xianjian counteracted most of the palm force of the palm just now, which was a great loss of life and death, but it was because of this that the dragon tripod was shaken out of its control by the dark strength of the sky.
The double-pedaled ground was like a crazy leap into the sky, and the heart-eating sword fell to the ground without looking!
Inflammation seal and others qi qi sword Na Wei mans with fire dragon swallow wild potential, like crack inflammation burning tianwei crazy swept through and two people collide again!
"Nine turns and the soul returns to the sky!"
The whole person’s body is spinning wildly, which is beyond the limit that his body can bear. All celestial beings are afraid to get close to it.
Fiona Fang Qianzhang was enveloped by a vortex of death, and the destructive cyclone rolled up all the flames and whirlwinds of Jianzong in the scorching sun. For a while, except for the middle and late fairy practitioners, we could see what had happened!
Chapter seventy-nine In desperation
The roaring whirlwind swept through this side of the gas field, making the sea water flow backwards wildly, and many practitioners hurriedly arranged dozens of barrier barriers.
The vortex of destruction is immediately reflected in the huge pressure gap between the two sides at the moment when the gas field breaks in the deep sea. The huge force suddenly condenses the destructive force to a limit due to the extrusion caused by the rupture of the gas field and the collapse of the vortex at a depth of thousands of feet!
Three different forces, namely, the crushing force generated by the split moment of the gas boundary, the converging destructive force of the nine poles and the collapse force generated by the huge pressure, converge at one point and immediately explode and collapse!
Gan Kungong didn’t go to see the whirlwind of destruction here, but his brother Zongdi, who was a little anxious, asked, "How long will it take for this tripod to be broken?"
These refining disciples have been loyal to his charge, and refining clan, though unknown, is best at refining, and it is necessary to learn to lift the ban in actual combat.
"Brother, this ban is quite complicated. It’s a pity if the strong hand even takes a lot of time and the tripod material is extraordinary and destroyed-"
It is difficult for one person to answer the question.
Yan Feng looked at the three elders, and even the proud day just made everyone stunned. At the same time, he offended the hot sun, and the sword Sect even attracted more than 500 people to repair the sea. How much disaster did this make?
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